
A Call for Healing

A Call for Healing
Democrats Call for Healing the Country

Nov 13, 2013

Empathy from the Chief, Not!

Our Dear Leader is so far above ordinary people in brilliance, he has trouble empathizing with them.  It is hard for the One We All Were Waiting For to understand the frustration inherent in the Web Site We All Are (Still) Waiting For.  The Smartest President Ever is trying to explain that he knows what's best for ordinary people of more limited intelligence than himself, even though he can't really empathize with them because of the difference in mental capability.  If only the complainers were smart enough to see the superiority of the carefully crafted Obamacare law and regulations!  Then they would see that their false impression that they could keep their plan was just a failure on their part to comprehend the nuances of the promises he made.

Iran: False Equivalence

Liberals like to ask why Israel is allowed nukes but Iran is not.   Countries need to sign treaties to be bound by them.  Israel never signed the Non-Proliferation treaty.  Iran did.  Also, Israel does not have government orchestrated demonstrations organized around the slogans "Death to America" and "Death to Israel."  Iran does.  Israel is not the world's leading sponsor of terrorism.  Iran is.  Israel is no threat to the United States.  Iran is.  I could go on at length, but willful ignorance is hard to break through.  However Liberals, answer me this.  Where would you rather be a citizen, Israel or Iran?  Have you ever been to either one or even talked to anyone who lived in either place? 

Global Cooling, The Big Climate Threat of the 70's

I'm old enough to remember Global Cooling being touted as a big threat in the 1970's. The cooling was supposed to occur due to man made changes in the upper atmosphere.  (Check wikipedia. I am not making this up.) Now popular reports of weather science have switched to Global Warming, the latest fad in weather. However, most of the current models do not predict into the future with any accuracy. I think the sun's energy output has much more to do with climate than atmospheric conditions. When I visited Exit Glacier, near Seward, Alaska, I noticed that the glacier has been receding since 1815. Park Service personnel recently discovered evidence of a buried forest dating back to at least 1170 AD near the current glacier’s edge.  I don't think the cooling of the Little Ice Age between 1300 and 1870 had much to do with a switch to renewable energy.  Basing predictions of weather trends over geologic time scales using the last 150 years of data is statistically ridiculous.  Imposing costs on society based on Global Warming hysteria will only harm the poor, who benefit most from cheap energy. 

Nov 7, 2013

Obamacare Hearings: Government by Anecdote

There is an unintentionally funny article today by Dana Milbank which complains about “Government by Anecdote.”  His specifics have to do with letters from complaining constituents that Republicans read during the Obamacare Congressional hearings.  Democrats have been governing by anecdote since the New Deal 1930's, with great political success for their programs.  Now that the Republicans are using government by anecdote to bash Democrats, Mr. Milbank wants Republicans to stop doing it.  If Republicans have learned anything from Obama, it's to fight as dirty as possible and use the entire Democrat playbook against them.  Since Obamacare was built on lies and anecdotes, it really seems like poetic justice to attack it with truth and anecdotes. Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind. quotes Harry Reid’s comments on the Senate Obamacare hearings.  “My Republican colleagues, why don’t they just – let’s number their 1 through 50 criticisms and giving all these speeches, just give us a number, and we would all – because we’ve heard these things so many times – we would immediately laugh because they’re jokes, too.  With this comment, Harry Reid seems to have admitted that there are at least 50 complaints that can be made against Obamacare. However, since Mr. Reid usually underestimates the cost of government programs, it's likely he underestimated the number of possible complaints as well. It seems to this ignorant red neck in fly over country that Mr. Reid is himself the biggest joke of all. Further, I am really enjoying the consequences, for Mr. Reid and his party, of the Obamacare” joke” he perpetrated on all of us. It seems to have backfired.

Some Obamacare critics say our Dear Leader and friends messed up on an easy web site.  I don’t think this project was easy, even though The Smartest President Ever seems to have thought so.  I've been a professional programmer for over 40 years and this is a very difficult, complicated application. In order to verify eligibility, the web site has to retrieve information from a lot of different databases, each with its own format and access methods. The sources of information include 36 states and several federal departments. Worse, the web site has to do all of this while the customer is waiting. Each piece of information retrieved introduces another chance of delay or failure. As hard as all of this is, HHS made it even harder by hiring 55 contractor firms to do various pieces of the project with no general contractor to manage integration and end-to-end testing. With HHS serving as its own general contractor, a Pearl Harbor style disaster was locked in. I don't see any way this thing is going to be ready by November 1, 2014, let alone the end of November this year.

Some Liberal commenters say that the number of insured will justify Obamacare by 2020.  What happened to the fierce urgency of now?  This argument reminds me of the famous economist John M. Keynes’ saying, “In the long run, we’re all dead.”  With any luck, Obamacare won't make it to 2020.  Given my comments above, it's not clear that the Obamacare web site will be up by November 1, 2014.  As a result, Obamacare will be lucky to survive until the end of 2017.  To the commenter’s point, it's not entirely clear that the net increase in people covered will exceed the number of people dropped from the existing plans that they liked better.   While other administration scandals can be covered up, many, many people will have first-hand experience with the effects of Obamacare.  No amount of spin from the Pravda Press is going to convince people that they are better off now than they were before Obamacare.  

A liberal author’s article comments got erased earlier today.  In response to suspicious Conservative commenters,the author promises the technical glitch will be fixed.  And I believe his promise is just as likely to happen as our Dear Leader's promise of better healthcare.  Liberal promises always boil down to, "Trust us to do the right thing for all of you."  What this really means is "Trust us and we'll do the right thing for us to expand our power."  Helping the downtrodden is such a Liberal desire, they want to create more downtrodden.  Obamacare has succeeded in taking relatively self-sufficient people and making them dependent on and subservient to the Liberals.  If we don't vote Liberal, there will be consequences to our healthcare.  That's the Chicago way.