
A Call for Healing

A Call for Healing
Democrats Call for Healing the Country

Feb 8, 2014

Funny Liberal Assumptions About Conservatives

Liberal assumptions about my beliefs are funny. They assume I'm a fundamentalist Christian with a racist tinge.  I actually believe that married gay couples need to own guns to protect their homes and marijuana plants. Just to save Liberals guessing wrong again, I go to a Protestant church once a year for Easter. My wife is not a Christian.  My sister in law is black and I'm really glad she married my brother.  It's amusing that liberals start the story of American education in the 1830's. It allows them to skip over falling test scores and graduation rates in inner city schools in more recent years. I don't think my grandmother teaching in a one room schoolhouse in Colorado in 1914 at the age of 16 has much to do with current conditions, although I do agree she was a successful teacher. I assume that union teachers are being paid for "voting right" as we say in Chicago, because the education they provide in inner city public schools is so poor there could be no other reason to pay them. Many voucher schools, like Milwaukee College Prep for example, are non sectarian. I suppose in the liberal mind any voucher school is a front for Jesus Freaks. I'm sure the Jewish philanthropist who raised the money to found Milwaukee College Prep would be surprised to hear he's just a front for Jesus. I still don't understand why Catholic charities have to be given a choice between signing an approval form for their insurance to pay for contraceptives and going out of business. I guess we all need to genuflect before taxpayer financed contraception. Why can't Sandra Fluke buy her own? They certainly don't cost that much. I guess Liberals would say it should be that way because they like it that way. Their intolerance for Christianity reminds me of the Taliban a lot more than religiously affiliated schools and charities they detest. Don't let me disturb the Liberals hour of hate. I'll play Emmanuel Goldstein for liberal convenience.

Climate Change, Statistical Folly

Settled science is an oxymoron. Remember that the original climate hockey stick work depended on raw data that was "accidentally" erased. To this ignorant red neck, that sounds like the scientific equivalent of the dog ate my homework. As someone with a little bit of statistics training, I have always been amazed that climate scientists are willing to use less than 150 years of rigorous temperature records and proxies for earlier observations to predict temperature patterns that unfold over thousands and tens of thousands of years. For just one example, look up the patterns of Lake Missoula glacial floods over time. During a 2000 year period between 15,000 and 13,000 years ago, ice dams would build up a huge amount of water, then burst. Geological evidence indicates that this happened at least 25 times. Missoula is a town of about 45,000 people today. There is no lake. (I used to live in Missoula.) It's clear that temperatures varied widely over the period of time before man was a factor. Anthropomorphic global warming has always struck me as extreme hubris. 

Warren Buffet, Rent Seeker

Warren Buffet needs corporate welfare because he's a big Democrat fund raiser. His railroad competes with the Keystone Pipeline, so he's an environmentalist. He got rich buying businesses at estate tax sales, so he thinks the death tax is only fair. Isn't it time for Conservatives to start to question Liberal motives? They say we start wars to make money. Why can't we say, early and often, that they use any excuse to increase government power and then sell regulatory relief for campaign contributions? Given how even low information voters feel about the government, I think this would be an easy sell.

Media Bias Prevents Republican Use of IRS Weapon

Actually, the double standard of the Pravda Press means that Republicans can't use the IRS to target opponents.  Nixon did it, along with the Watergate cover up.  It was a strong second reason Nixon was driven from office.  When a Democrat uses the IRS to harass opponents and then stonewalls a Congressional investigation, the Pravda Press doesn't think the story is worth covering.  End result is the Democrats can get away with it, as they are doing right now, and the Republicans can't.