
A Call for Healing

A Call for Healing
Democrats Call for Healing the Country

Apr 7, 2014

Does Man Made Global Warming Ignore Science?

Here's a little test for liberals who consider Human Caused Global Warming is "settled science."  It helps identify who's really denying scientific findings.  Do you deny that the Earth went through periodic ice ages followed by warming periods before man evolved? Do you deny that using 135 years of solid temperature measurements to predict climate changes that take place over thousands or millions of years is statistically absurd? Do you deny the worst ice age occurred from 850 to 630 million years ago (the Cryogenian period) and may have produced a Snowball Earth in which glacial ice sheets reached the equator? Do you deny that global warming occurred to end that ice age 630 million years ago and that man had not evolved yet? Do you deny that there was a Medieval Warm Period from about 850 AD to 1250 AD? Do you deny that human activity was not responsible for the the Medieval Warm Period? Do you deny that the Medieval Warm Period was followed by a Little Ice Age from about 1350 AD to 1800 AD? Do you deny that your liberal education left you ignorant of all of these events?   Liberals, face facts.  You are denying a lot more science than you even knew existed to believe the climate alarmists who basically created a doomsday cult to gain more government funded research grants.  

Intellectual Roller Derby

I think “the debate is over” is really the intellectual equivalent of roller derby.  In roller derby, the leading skater can halt play by putting their hands on their hips.  Of course they do this only when it benefits their team.  So saying “the debate is over” is the equivalent of saying that the liberals will be in a much worse position if the debate continues.

Mar 27, 2014

Constitution Protects "Religious Kooks"

This is a recent comment on Freedom of Religion by a typically tolerant liberal: “You should be thrilled if you religious kooks are afforded any freedom whatsoever, after all the atrocities and crimes you've been responsible for.”

The Bill of Rights contains Freedom of Religion. It specifically includes all of us religious kooks. By the way, I go to church once a year for Easter. Does that make me a religious kook, or is it my tolerance of other folks' religious beliefs that is the problem? Further, these rights are not from the government, according to the Declaration of Independence. They are God given rights. Where in the Constitution is a woman's right to free contraceptives? Where in the Constitution does it say that Freedom of Religion requires that the government approve of an individual's religious beliefs before he or she has any rights? 

Free Market Best Way to Unravel Obamacare

Recently, Byron York wrote a piece on the difficulties of unwinding Obamacare.  I think the free market can easily adjust to Obamacare repeal.  I believe ACA repeal should be coupled with regulations that open the market for both medical insurance and medical care. The Republican consensus seems to be an interstate insurance market, tort reform, high risk pools and making private medical insurance payments deductible to individuals. We also need to require transparent pricing from healthcare providers. By transparent pricing, I mean that the hospitals and doctors need to publish price lists showing at least the asking price for common procedures. This would allow healthcare consumers to shop around. All of these feature together would bring beneficial changes very quickly. They should be implemented cold turkey, with no bureaucratic "transition period" which would likely be extended indefinitely. I think the speed with which the mess will be cleaned up will be a pleasant surprise.