I have finally figured
out the real reason for the Bergdahl trade.
I now know that the release of
the Taliban 5 is part of our Dear Leader's environmental strategy. The Chicago
Machine Prodigy is recycling terrorists! I'm sure Tom Steyer and all the other
Mean Greens are thrilled at this new way to preserve the environment. Think of
all the carbon dioxide released in the breathing required to produce one
terrorist. This policy should be continued until Global Warming is stopped
cold, period! (snark)
A Call for Healing
Democrats Call for Healing the Country
Jun 22, 2014
Jun 15, 2014
Liberals Want to Amend Free Speech
Democrats hate the Citizens United case, where
the Supreme Court said that restrictions on political spending by incorporated
groups were unconstitutional. Democrats
say the decision will allow the Koch Brothers to “Buy Elections.” The One All Liberals Were Waiting For has
said we need a Constitutional Amendment to fix the problems created by the
Citizens United decision. In response, Senator
Mark Udall (D, Colorado) has introduced a Constitutional Amendment to change
the Bill of Rights so Congress can regulate corporate free speech. Harry Reid, the Democrats' Leader in the Senate, supports the amendment. Whatever Democrats say or think, Bush never
even considered amending the Bill of Rights.
The First Amendment says, "Congress shall
make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free
exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the
right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a
redress of grievances." It does not say except for any organized groups
that incorporate. If pornography has to be allowed in order to preserve free
speech, and I think it does, then incorporated organizations of all types have
to be allowed to buy political ads. If the New York Times (incorporated) is
allowed to publish Liberal trash talk as "news," then Citizens United
has to be allowed to make movies that rebut the Pravda Press. Anything less is
censorship. Liberals seem to believe in censorship, as long as it's the Tea
Party and Republicans being censored. The Koch brothers do not buy elections.
If they influence elections it's because their arguments make sense to the
majority of voters
Let me explain what "Buying Elections"
historically means, at least in Chicago.
It means bribing voters to vote your way using "walking around
money." It usually involves "Vote early, vote often" fraud where
voters cast ballots for people who have died. In the old days, this was done
with chain voting. The paid voter is given a marked ballot before entering the
poling place. To get paid, he has to bring out a blank ballot. At the next
poling place, the party hack marks the blank ballot, then sends the bribed
voter to vote again. He brings out a new blank ballot. This continues until all
the ghosts have voted. "Buying Elections" does not mean buying ads on
radio and TV to explain your reasons for wanting certain political outcomes.
Buying ads is Free Speech. From the Democrats’
comments, it sounds like Liberals don't really believe in Free Speech. They
instead believe that the opposition needs to be silenced. Could this be the
result of Liberal arguments for "Hope and Change" are no longer
fooling the public?
Hillary's Record on Benghazi Stinks
difference, at this point, does it make? As a veteran I'm sure everyone will
want to serve under a commander in chief that sleeps through 3 AM phone calls,
then lies to cover it up. We really need somebody who judges 5 Diplomatic
Protection Service agents to be sufficient for the most dangerous diplomatic
post in the world. Someone who is willing to cut a military protection detail
to the bone so we can spend more on domestic programs no matter who gets
killed. (snark)
Hillary’s book assures us that she bore no accountability for
Benghazi because the cables requesting more security for Libya didn’t land on
her desk. She also still maintains that
nobody could have known about the attack in advance. She even expects us to believe that it was a
demonstration triggered by an obscure internet video that turned into a riot.
I'm sure all of this blather is supposed to excuse Hillary's dereliction of
duty, but it doesn't. The Libyan Tripoli Embassy and Benghazi Consulate had to
be two of the most hazardous diplomatic posts in the world. The fact that the
Libya security detail was cut before the attack shows Hillary Clinton's
dereliction of duty. Hillary was in charge, so whether she saw the cables or
not, it was her responsibility to make sure her folks were as safe as she could
make them. She wants to be commander in chief. Commanders take the
responsibility for failure even if they didn't get the memo. The confusion
about the attack is also fabricated. There was a live video feed from the
Benghazi Consulate to DC that covered the start of the attack. It showed no
demonstration and no riot. The Secretary of State should have reviewed the
video before sending Susan Rice out to prevaricate. The video lies served
Hillary's interests by obscuring her dereliction of duty. A rogue video was not
predictable, so Hillary and her boss are blameless. However, the 11th
anniversary of 9/11 was predictable. The violent instability of Libya in
general and Benghazi in particular was well known. The whole story is a
self-serving cover-up. When the 3 AM phone call from Benghazi came in, neither
Hillary nor her boss answered the call.
Liberals should try this thought
experiment. It's 2004. On September 11, Bush's Ambassador to
Algeria is killed in a consulate at a port city. Dick Cheney and Condoleezza Rice go on national TV and say it was a
demonstration against an obscure anti-Muslim video on the web. Bush says
the same thing in a televised speech to the UN a week or two later. The
Bush Administration claims "Mission Accomplished" against Al Qaeda. Bush has Texas imprison the sponsor of the video on
a trumped up charge of parole violation. Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb claims responsibility. No
effort was made to help defend against the attack, despite repeated requests
both before and during the attack, which lasts 7 hours. After Bush wins
the election, Colin Powell tells a House committee, "At this point, what
difference does it make whether it was a demonstration or some guys out for a
stroll who decided to kill some Americans?" How would liberals view
it? I call it the "Bush did it" test.
Hillary’s talking points, as
advanced in the "mainstream" Pravda Press, say it was not her fault
because the Secretary of State controls no security assets. This is not true. For starters, the Secretary of State directly controls the Diplomatic Security Service, which has about 2,000 agents. The Secretary of State can also request
military guards for dangerous posts like Libya.
In the months just before the attack, the State Department rejected
requests to extend the tours of both soldiers and State Department Protection
Service agents in Libya. A 16 man US Army security detail was withdrawn in
August, 2012, just before the attack. Both the commander of the army unit, Lt.
Col. Andrew Wood, and the embassy’s security chief, Eric Nordstrom, objected
but were overruled by the State Department. See the links below.
The Democrats are also arguing that since Congressional Republicans cut the Diplomatic Protection Service’s budgets, the lack of security in Libya is the Republicans’ fault. However, the State Department cutting the security detail in Libya using the excuse of budget cuts is absurd. There are countries, like France, Germany and the UK, where the security provided by the host government is great. Why not take the cuts there, and keep the agents in possibly the most dangerous US diplomatic post in the world? Is this a case of Washington Monument Syndrome, where the government shuts down the places that hurt the public the most in response to budget cuts? If it is, it went terribly wrong and 4 people died.
To sum up, four Americans died from criminal
neglect. Before the attacks, repeated requests for more security people were
ignored or denied. Even though it was the 11th anniversary of the 9/11/2001
terrorist attacks, there were no military assets on alert. There was no
military effort to support our people in Benghazi once the attacks started, not
even any fighter jets to provide air support. The attacks lasted about 7 hours.
Afterwards, the Prevaricator in Chief refused to comment on what he was doing
during the attacks. The immediate explanation of the attacks was a totally
false narrative of an internet video causing a demonstration that turned into a
riot, an explanation that just happened to benefit our Dear Leader's reelection
campaign. Finally, there was an extensive cover-up of the original cover-up.
Yup, it was either George Bush or global warming that caused this mess. Either
way, any further investigation is racist and sexist. (snark)
May 25, 2014
Memorial Day for a Nam Era Vet
As a
Vietnam era veteran, my Memorial Day reflections center more on the civilian
reaction to me than on my experiences in the US Air Force as a Systems Analyst
let me say that I found my service itself very rewarding. I learned to get along with a wide variety of
people that I never would have met in any other walk of life. I’ll never forget the response of a really
smart sergeant I was training to program computers. I asked him how he got into the
military. He said, “Well, sir, the judge
gave me a choice.” His other option was
officers I served under were generally very professional, but did not behave in
the manner civilians imagine that military officers behave. I had been working on a project which
included a lot of late night and weekend testing as well as quite a few 60 hour
weeks. The Lt. Colonel I worked for was
concerned I had pushed myself too hard.
So he explained to me that he wanted me to take two weeks off. He told me he would let me do this with
something called “basket leave.” The way
it worked was they would prepare leave papers but not submit them, instead
leaving them in the OUT basket. If
something happened, like a recall that required my presence or if I was in a
car accident that had to be reported, they would submit the leave
paperwork. If I came back on time and
nothing happened, they would throw out the leave papers and I wouldn’t be
charged with leave.
There were
other incidents that were unexpected. I
was working for another Lt. Colonel when I found a written official order on my
desk, signed by the Lt. Colonel. It said
that while our sergeant was on leave, I was appointed second alternate coffee
maker. I found out that the sergeant had
been typing it up as a joke when the boss walked in. The boss saw it and told the sergeant he
would sign it himself, instead of having the sergeant signing it “For the
Commander.” This same officer heard that
I played Avalon Hill war games. He told
me his son also played them and thought he was invincible. He asked me to come
over to his house some weekend to teach the kid a lesson. After I did, he thanked me and said that his
son had needed to be taken down a peg.
from the civilian community to me in uniform, in any place except the Deep
South, were almost uniformly hostile. I
was called a “trained killer” so many times that I developed a routine for
it. I would ask, “Do you really believe
I’m a trained killer?” They would say
yes. Then I would ask, “Why are you
pissing me off?”
irony of this belief in my killer status was really impressive. I fired a weapon in the military on exactly one occasion.. I was given a 38 caliber
revolver and shot 72 rounds at a target.
This qualified me on the official Air Force side arm, which was a
requirement for any officer. I never
handled another gun on active duty. I
shot more with the Boy Scouts than I did with the Air Force.
Due to
the televised Congressional testimony of John Kerry, who said war crimes by US
troops in Vietnam were common, most people assumed every military person was a
murderous psychopath. In addition, it was thought that participation in the
military indicated a deep character flaw in any individual. A popular slogan at the time was, “What if
they gave a war and nobody came?” Since
everyone was “Anti War,” the best way to stop the war was to harass the troops
so they wouldn’t go to war. While
wearing my ROTC uniform on campus, I had a lot of people spit at me.
As a
side note, did you ever wondered what the motivation of the Swift Boat Veterans
was for bad mouthing Kerry? His
testimony about how common war crimes were in Vietnam is the reason they did
it. I’m sure a lot of Nam Era veterans gladly
contributed for the ads. I don’t
remember if I did, but I sure thought about it.
this irrational fear worked in my favor.
My wife flipped somebody off in traffic in Phoenix, Arizona. He followed us into the parking lot where we
were going. When I got out of the car,
he started to yell at me. He was much
bigger than I was, but I was a military officer in uniform. As he yelled, I quietly said “Uh huh” a couple
of times while giving him what was called in the Air Force the “40 mission stare.” I was about 15 feet from the guy. He stopped yelling once he noticed the
uniform and it dawned on him who I was.
He visibly shrank back from me, got back into his car and drove off.
Even as
recently as 5 years ago, the remains of the negative view of Nam vets was still
around. I transferred into a new unit at
work. One of the guys in my new unit had
a chat with me at the end of the day. He
gingerly asked me if I was a Vietnam veteran.
I told him I was a Vietnam Era veteran, a programmer in the Air Force
who had never left the Continental US.
He told me that a fellow employee, who had been drafted into the Soviet
Army, was a little nervous about me. I
told him that I had no problem with Russian Army veterans. It seemed to be a relief for all concerned.
To be
fair, there were a few occasions when my veteran status was the source of
merely reasonable curiosity. In the mid
to late 70’s there was a big scandal about the over classification of secret documents. At a party, a guy I just met, who had
overheard I was a veteran, asked me if I had handled any classified
documents. I said yes. He asked if I thought they were correctly
classified. I told him they were the
exercise results for air defense units in the US, essentially how prepared they
were to do the job for real. He said he
was glad they were classified as Secret.
I am
glad that the view of veterans is so great now days. Even people who were not happy we invaded
Iraq took it out on President Bush and not the guys who did the fighting. This is the way it should have been for
Vietnam veterans. This is the way it
ought to be for veterans from now on.
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