This week Liberals demonstrated their total contempt for truth and the
rule of law. Liberals also demonstrated domestic politics and personal
convenience are much more important to them than national security. The
only thing Liberals are really good at is avoiding responsibility for any of
their decisions and getting their supporters in the press to justify whatever
the outcomes are as brilliant, unavoidable or Bush’s fault.
First, on the facts
leading up to the Benghazi attack, it’s clear that Hillary Clinton, as
Secretary of State, was responsible for the protection of State Department
personnel in Benghazi.
The 16 member Army Special
Forces team assigned to protect State Department personnel in Libya plus a
six-member State Department elite force called a Mobile Security Deployment
team followed orders and left Libya in August, 2012. This was about a month
before the attack. The embassy in Tripoli, Libya, asked repeatedly to retain
them, and asked repeatedly for more security after they left, but the State
Department denied all of the requests. The nobody in the Obama
Administration has ever explained who ordered the extra security teams home and
why the order was given. However, it’s clear from a military point of
view that the Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, was responsible.
Military commanders who
fatally weaken their defenses before a successful enemy attack do not get
promoted. Hillary is asking to be promoted to Commander in Chief.
The House Committee’s
political motives for investigating the Benghazi attacks don't change these
facts. Here are the links on the security teams’ withdrawal:
Hillary Clinton’s 11 hours of testimony before the Benghazi Committee is
very easy to summarize. “I lied, so what.” All of the nit picking
excuses in the world, and Hillary and her defenders have tried to come up with
all of them, don’t change the fact that the entire Obama Administration
knowingly said that the Benghazi attack was tied to an internet video when they
knew that it was a planned terrorist attack by Ansar Al Sharia, an Al Qaeda
affiliate. Getting all emotional about all those Republican men verbally
beating up on a poor little old grandmother is a smoke screen. People
died, then Hillary lied.
At this point Liberals
start talking about attacks on American Embassies during Republican
presidential terms. The difference between previous attacks on
American Embassies and the Benghazi attack is that the Republican
Administrations didn't try to cover up who made the attacks and why they were
made. Just like in Watergate, the cover up is the big problem here.
Moving on to Hillary’s
email server, the talking points here are that none of the information on the
server was marked as classified. The information is classified whether it
has the secret stamp on it or not. The law does not say it has to be stamped to
be classified. Information that describes intelligence sources and methods, for
example, is something that everyone except the completely clueless knows is
classified at least secret and more likely top secret. Everyone also knows that
ignorance is not a defense, and I don't think any Hillary supporter would want
to claim she was ignorant of the law anyway, or would they?
The server did not meet
federal standards for handling classified material. The server was not even set
up to meet commercial standards of preserving privacy and preventing hacking. A
subcontractor was backing up the data both on site and in a cloud.
Hillary's folks didn't even know it was happening. We are talking extreme,
perhaps criminal, negligence here.
Taking or receiving
classified material at home and putting it on your own private email server is
a slam dunk prosecution for mishandling classified material, a felony with a
potential 10 year prison sentence. As someone with over 40 years in IT, it's my
professional opinion that any foreign intelligence service that wanted the
information could have stolen it from Hillary's private email server easily,
leaving very little trace of their intrusion. If a Republican federal office
holder at any elected or appointed level did this, they would be indicted and
awaiting trial right now. The Pravda Press would be screaming for their blood.
Since it's Hillary, the whole investigation is politically motivated and
there's nothing worth investigating. The corruption of the mainstream media is
monumentally disgusting. They are willing to tolerate a candidate for president
who put her personal convenience above national security.
Finally we get to the veto of the National Defense
Authorization Act. This veto is another example of how Liberals
put partisan politics ahead of national security. President Obama is
holding the Army, Navy, Marines and Air Force as hostages so he can extort more
domestic spending from Congress. President Obama doesn't care how many people
ISIS kills in Syria, as long as he can spend as much as he wants domestically
to buy votes for Democrats. Just so you know, the bill Obama vetoed did
not spend any money. It did prohibit closing Guantanamo prison where 116
Jihadist killers are still being held. It also changed some other
regulations and increased pay scales if the money was authorized to fund it.