
A Call for Healing

A Call for Healing
Democrats Call for Healing the Country

Jun 12, 2016

Liberals Working Towards Identity Justice, Find Trump's Comments Casablaca "Shocking"

It’s fashionable to condemn Trump’s remarks attacking Judge Federal Judge Gonzalo Curiel as racist, and they are.  Trump's remarks were rude, distasteful and self-serving.  That said, liberals professing "shock" at Trump's racism have as much credibility as Claude Rains did in Casablanca when he said he was "shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!"  Liberals have been using identity politics for years.  Their political control of a lot of major cities, like Detroit, Chicago, New York City and Baltimore for example, is all based on identity politics, because it certainly isn't based on low crime and good schools in those cities.

At this point, liberals are very close to identity justice.  Liberals presumed Officer Michael Wilson was guilty of the murder of Freddy Gray immediately because Officer Wilson was white and Mr. Gray was black.  This assumption persisted even after the grand jury found justifiable homicide, and even after black witnesses' testimony that the shooting was justified became public.  That's racism too, but it's politically correct racism, so it's OK?

Original Article (may require subscription)

Jun 6, 2016

Clinton, Trump and Flying Mud

I think we can assume that Trump versus Clinton is going to involve a lot of flying mud.  It’s fashionable now for liberals to condemn Trump for all sorts of things, like a threat to the rule of law, free speech, separation of powers and increasing racial prejudice.  Let's assume that Trump does it all.  In many cases he will be following precedents set by the current administration.  Democrats used the IRS to silence Tea Party groups' free speech.  Obama had the EPA declared war on coal without legislation.  Obama postponed Employer Mandate tax collections for a year, contrary to law. The Justice Department has lied so often to Judge Andrew Hanen in the immigration case that Hanen ordered Justice Department lawyers to go to mandatory ethics training prior to appearing in any Federal Court in 26 states.  Obama's deal with Iran promoted nuclear proliferation.  Obama talks about bitter clingers to guns and religion, which is pure prejudice.  Democrats are suing corporations, nonprofits and journalists for criticizing global warming.  Obamacare has been subsidizing health insurance with payments not authorized by Congress.  Trump ain't even close to my favorite candidate, but no rules for liberals means no rules for conservatives.  You're fired!