
A Call for Healing

A Call for Healing
Democrats Call for Healing the Country

Oct 8, 2020

California: You Too Can Have Rolling Blackouts and Wildfires

 The state of California is so busy "following the science," they don't have time to pay any attention to the engineering.  The left seems to believe that, "So let it be written, so let it be done," actually works in real life, not just in the movie The Ten Commandments (1956).

The best thing about California is that the same policies can be yours if you vote for Democrats in the next election.  If you vote early, by mail, we can double your order, for a small addition to your taxes.  So act now, and experience the joy of rolling blackouts "saving the planet!"  /sarcasm

Why Vikings Left Greenland

One explanation could be that Vikings massively switched to renewable energy, recognized and apologized for their white privilege, and abandoned their Greenland settlements to the native population.  The Vikings then returned home to found perfect socialist utopias. 

Alternatively, it was warmer in the Medieval Warm Period than it is today, and the theory of anthropomorphic global warming is malarkey.  It got too cold for Vikings to farm in Greenland. 

As the holder of an MS in Statistics, I think the latter alternative is way more likely.

Judging by Skin Color is Racism

Judging people strictly by skin color is racism.  It doesn't become correct just because the skin color judged inferior is white.  All men and women are created equal.  My 4-year-old blonde grandson shouldn't be taught that he has white privilege that he has to apologize for.  His Black playmates shouldn't be taught they are superior.  They are friends now, but they won't be if they get "woke."  The civil rights struggle was for a color-blind society, not for superiority in a racial spoils system.  Discrimination on the basis of race is illegal under the Civil Rights Act of 1964.  The way to stop discriminating by race is to stop doing it, period.

When They Kneel. Change the Channel


When pro athletes kneel for the national anthem, deplorables get to change the channel.  That’s the point.  Unlike Obamacare, purchasing game tickets isn't a mandatory purchase.  Politics isn't something I inflict on my coworkers at work.  I was ready for some football, not for some socialism.  If I want to watch MSNBC, there's a channel for that.

I'm a Vietnam Era veteran.  To evaluate how I feel about kneeling for the National Anthem, imagine how a new policy of mandatory MAGA hats for all players would go over for progressives.  Then remember that about half the country voted for Trump, and have TV remotes in their hands.  Oh look, rapidly declining ratings!  What a surprise!