
A Call for Healing

A Call for Healing
Democrats Call for Healing the Country

Oct 31, 2013

3 AM Phone Call Unaswered

Liberals are fond of recalling how presidential our Smartest President Ever was during the Bin Laden raid.  Bin Laden was a photo op for an operation we planned and scheduled ourselves.  The Community Organizer in Chief knew exactly when it was going to happen so he could have a photographer in the situation room.  Benghazi was an attack on us, which Al Qaeda scheduled on the anniversary of 9/11, that we were not prepared for. Since this unscheduled event conflicted with resting up for a very important campaign fund raiser in Las Vegas, our Dear Leader slept through it.  When he got the 3 AM phone call the campaign ads were talking about, our Dear Leader didn't even take the call. 

ID Requirement to Enter Congressional Gym Is Racist

You might think it’s reasonable to require ID before you vote.  In Chicago, this requirement would tend to keep ghosts from voting as much as they do now.  However, as smart Liberals say, it's racist to require ID to vote.  Using their superior reasoning, this ignorant red neck thinks it's also racist to require ID for food stamps, plane rides, cashing checks or entering government buildings.  Everyone should be able to use the Congressional gym without ID.  Anything less is racist.  (Liberals, this may sound attractive to you, but it's sarcasm.) 

Oct 29, 2013

Government Power Corrupts Government

 The article linked below expresses puzzlement about why Conservatives think Liberals are Socialists or worse.  My answer is that Liberal politicians are in it for the power.  The more control the Federal Government has the better for Liberals.  Liberals never explain the limits that should be imposed on government because they don't believe that there is any problem government can't solve.  For Liberals, government should be unlimited, so it can help people whenever and wherever needed.  Conservatives see this Liberal position as threatening tyranny.  Totalitarian governments have unlimited power to help people, but lack the motivation to do so.  Tyrants have more than enough power to maintain the government without the consent of the governed.  Power corrupts.  The greater the government's power, the more corrupt it is.  IRS harassment of Tea Party groups is what Conservatives expect of an over powerful government.  Conservatives believe that "helping people" is just a cover story for seeking more power.  The only reason the Conservative position baffles Liberals is that they believe the cover story, that the government needs to expand to help people.  Liberals are blind to the downside of expanding government power.  Liberals failed to see any risk in Obamacare.  Millions of canceled health insurance policies are the result of this Liberal blindness.

Treat Iranians Like Republicans

I would feel more confident about the Smartest President Ever if he treated the Russians, Syrians and Iranians as if they were Tea Party Republicans. Unfortunately, The One seems to believe that John Boehner is a bigger threat to our Republic than the Iranian Ayatollahs. 

Liberals ask, "What's our interest in supporting a dictator that oppresses women and religious minorities?" They ask a very good question. I have no idea why the One supported Morsi in Egypt on his quest to become a dictator, with Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhood buddies burning down a number of Christian churches in the process. I also don't understand why our Maximum Leader did not do anything to encourage the 2009 Iranian protest against their theocratic and dictatorial government, whose slogan is, "Death to America." Perhaps The One We Were Waiting For, having been groomed by the Chicago Machine, believes that fixed elections are nothing to get upset about?  Clearly our Dear Leader favors the Iranians and the Muslim Brotherhood because their policies towards women and gays are so enlightened, in contrast to Congressional Republicans.