
A Call for Healing

A Call for Healing
Democrats Call for Healing the Country

Nov 21, 2013

Why Liberals Nuked the Senate

Liberals used to love the filibuster when they were in the minority.  You should ask Judge Miguel Estrada about Liberal filibusters.  Oh sorry, the Democrats filibustered him so he isn't on the DC Court of Appeals.  This is all about Liberals having to stack the deck to win.  They see a wipe out coming in the next election.  The only way to mitigate or even prevent the rollback of the entitlement state is to have Liberal judges legislate from the bench in the DC Court of Appeals.  Elections have consequences only when Liberals win.  When they lose, they use judicial means to get their way.

Nov 13, 2013

Empathy from the Chief, Not!

Our Dear Leader is so far above ordinary people in brilliance, he has trouble empathizing with them.  It is hard for the One We All Were Waiting For to understand the frustration inherent in the Web Site We All Are (Still) Waiting For.  The Smartest President Ever is trying to explain that he knows what's best for ordinary people of more limited intelligence than himself, even though he can't really empathize with them because of the difference in mental capability.  If only the complainers were smart enough to see the superiority of the carefully crafted Obamacare law and regulations!  Then they would see that their false impression that they could keep their plan was just a failure on their part to comprehend the nuances of the promises he made.

Iran: False Equivalence

Liberals like to ask why Israel is allowed nukes but Iran is not.   Countries need to sign treaties to be bound by them.  Israel never signed the Non-Proliferation treaty.  Iran did.  Also, Israel does not have government orchestrated demonstrations organized around the slogans "Death to America" and "Death to Israel."  Iran does.  Israel is not the world's leading sponsor of terrorism.  Iran is.  Israel is no threat to the United States.  Iran is.  I could go on at length, but willful ignorance is hard to break through.  However Liberals, answer me this.  Where would you rather be a citizen, Israel or Iran?  Have you ever been to either one or even talked to anyone who lived in either place? 

Global Cooling, The Big Climate Threat of the 70's

I'm old enough to remember Global Cooling being touted as a big threat in the 1970's. The cooling was supposed to occur due to man made changes in the upper atmosphere.  (Check wikipedia. I am not making this up.) Now popular reports of weather science have switched to Global Warming, the latest fad in weather. However, most of the current models do not predict into the future with any accuracy. I think the sun's energy output has much more to do with climate than atmospheric conditions. When I visited Exit Glacier, near Seward, Alaska, I noticed that the glacier has been receding since 1815. Park Service personnel recently discovered evidence of a buried forest dating back to at least 1170 AD near the current glacier’s edge.  I don't think the cooling of the Little Ice Age between 1300 and 1870 had much to do with a switch to renewable energy.  Basing predictions of weather trends over geologic time scales using the last 150 years of data is statistically ridiculous.  Imposing costs on society based on Global Warming hysteria will only harm the poor, who benefit most from cheap energy.