
A Call for Healing

A Call for Healing
Democrats Call for Healing the Country

Oct 9, 2016

Taxation and Regulation Without Representation

The problem that everyone feels instinctively is that we have taxation and regulation without representation. The big decisions are made by regulatory agencies, federal courts and executive orders. Nobody elects the regulators and judges, but they unilaterally regulate the internet, declare war on coal and redefine marriage. The only individual who is elected is the president who delays the collection of the Employer Mandate tax for a year and issues executive orders on immigration. Congress gets to decide once a year whether to fund the government or shut it down. Harry Reid's success in smothering Congressional power is the reason we have Trump as a Republican presidential nominee.

The voters tried to work through Congress starting in early 2010. In response to the threat of Obamacare, the voters of Massachusetts elected a Republican Senator to replace Ted Kennedy. Obamacare passed anyway via parliamentary tricks. In 2010, voters elected a Republican House. Harry Reid made sure nothing of importance that the House passed reached the President's desk. In 2012 and 2014 Congress got more Republican, but it didn't change anything. Even with control of both the House and Senate, not one spending bill passed before the omnibus all or nothing vote was required.

Frustrated by Congressional victories that gained nothing, Republican voters decided that they needed to try something radical. That's why we have a choice of Trump Trash or Crooked Hillary.

A vote for Hillary is a vote for continued taxation and regulation without representation. Why bother with Congress now that President Obama has shown you don't really need them?

Oct 8, 2016

What's It Worth To Teach Trump to Respect Women?

It's worth whatever it takes to make sure that potty mouth Trump is taught to respect women. Hillary Clinton respects women (except for women who accuse her husband of rape) and she is going to show the world how well socialism works! Power to the (politically connected) people, right on! Hillary Clinton has a track record of working hard for people (who have donated to the Clinton Foundation). As the first woman president, Hillary Clinton can complete the (disastrous) domestic and foreign policy changes started by Barack Obama, the first black president. Clinton will convert our outstanding (unsustainable) Obamacare into single payer VA Care. The government will pay for all healthcare without any problems (for liberals who vote correctly). The government will make sure that coal is no longer used to generate electricity (no matter how many blackouts this causes). The government will regulate the US internet to preserve net neutrality (and large campaign contributions from internet providers), but give the international internet arrangements to the UN (to make sure that all internet screens condemn Israel, but allow local dictators to censor other content). College will be completely free to students (but not to taxpayers). Ultimately, socialism will deliver equality for all (by impoverishing everyone who doesn't work for the government).

Oct 3, 2016

Trump's Billion Dollar Loss Treated Like Roll Over Minutes

If you lose close to a billion dollars, you won't have to pay taxes either. Personally, I don't have a billion or even a million to lose. If I had just lost a billion dollars, I would not be a happy camper. I would not be saying, "Woo Hoo! No new taxes!" Carry forward losses are like roll over minutes. If you have more losses than income in one year, you can carry over your losses into the next year to offset income in that year. This is not some hard to understand loop hole. It doesn't depend on the definition of "is or whether or not email exchanges between the Secretary of State and the President are classified. However, if the rules of a game are stupid, you don't blame the players who live by the rules. You blame the people who wrote the rules. In this case that would be Congress.

Sep 26, 2016

Congress Should Have to Vote On All Federal Regulations

The idea that the EPA can declare war on coal without Congressional involvement is ridiculous.  The idea that the FCC can regulate the internet like it's a copper wire telephone company, using a law passed in 1934 that does not apply to the internet, is absurd.  The whole idea that Congress can and should delegate its legislative power to unchecked federal regulatory agencies has proved to be utter folly.  But even worse, the president is delegating his power to sign legislation into law to these regulatory agencies.  A two step process to making legislation into law has been delegated to an agency without checks or balances and made into a one step process.  It needs to be changed.

The Constitution should be amended to end the legislative power of regulatory agencies.  Congress should have to vote to approve or reject every regulation. There could be a “fast track” procedure for regulations, that is an up or down vote with no amendments and no filibusters.  There should also be a provision in the Constitutional amendment that any member of Congress can call for a roll call vote on a package of regulations after they have been formally presented to Congress and been waiting 120 days.  Once the privileged motion is made, the vote has to be taken immediately.

The Constitution originally said all legislation had to come from Congress and be signed  by the president.  Veto overrides and pocket vetoes were specified. There is no reason to delegate legislative power to any other agencies with other procedures.  Congress and the president should be responsible for all laws and regulations.