You might think it’s reasonable to require
ID before you vote. In Chicago, this requirement would tend to keep
ghosts from voting as much as they do now. However, as smart Liberals
say, it's racist to require ID to vote. Using their superior reasoning, this
ignorant red neck thinks it's also racist to require ID for food stamps, plane
rides, cashing checks or entering government buildings. Everyone should
be able to use the Congressional gym without ID. Anything less is racist.
(Liberals, this may sound attractive to you, but it's sarcasm.)
A Call for Healing
Democrats Call for Healing the Country
Oct 31, 2013
Oct 29, 2013
Government Power Corrupts Government
Treat Iranians Like Republicans
I would feel more
confident about the Smartest President Ever if he treated the Russians, Syrians
and Iranians as if they were Tea Party Republicans. Unfortunately, The One
seems to believe that John Boehner is a bigger threat to our Republic than the
Iranian Ayatollahs.
Liberals ask, "What's
our interest in supporting a dictator that oppresses women and religious
minorities?" They ask a very good question. I have no idea why the One
supported Morsi in Egypt on his quest to become a dictator, with Morsi’s Muslim
Brotherhood buddies burning down a number of Christian churches in the process.
I also don't understand why our Maximum Leader did not do anything to encourage
the 2009 Iranian protest against their theocratic and dictatorial government,
whose slogan is, "Death to America." Perhaps The One We Were Waiting
For, having been groomed by the Chicago Machine, believes that fixed elections
are nothing to get upset about? Clearly
our Dear Leader favors the Iranians and the Muslim Brotherhood because their
policies towards women and gays are so enlightened, in contrast to Congressional Republicans.
Shutdown Pain Was Intentional
Since Obamacare is going
so well, Democrats want to talk about the government shutdown instead.
The link below leads to an article about the hypocrisy of the
Congressional Republicans who are not rushing to compensate individuals who
suffered loss during the shutdown. If we are talking hypocrisy, don't you
think our Dear Leader spent more time making the shutdown hurt than he did
testing his healthcare web site? He
turned the National Park Service into the paramilitary wing of the Democratic
Party. NPS shut down numerous private
facilities because they operated on National Park land. NPS held a busload of foreign tourists
hostage in Yellowstone and patrolled to make sure no tourists were able to
sneak out of their hotel to watch Old Faithful.
NPS shut down a parking lot on public land used by a private foundation
for a private land attraction. The One
We Were Waiting For even shut down the WWII memorial just because it was on
public land, even though it was built with private funds and is usually
unmanned, uh I mean un-personned. The
shutdown hurt the red states most BY DESIGN, not by accident. Remember the Chicago Way of politics: reward your friends and punish your
enemies. Seeing hypocrisy in the
Republicans while lauding the Democrats is like straining at gnats and
swallowing camels (your choice of the animal or the cigarette).
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