
A Call for Healing

A Call for Healing
Democrats Call for Healing the Country

Feb 11, 2014

The One Is a Socialist, at Least in Healthcare

According to the dictionary, socialism is a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. Isn't that the definition of Obamacare with regard to health insurance? The One is a socialist, according to the definition.

Feb 9, 2014

Campaign Contribution Prosecution

Dinesh D'Souza is being prosecuted for campaign contribution violations for producing a documentary.  This is really a selective prosecution.  I seem to remember that the Obama campaign website was reputed to have removed the residency check for small contributions by credit card. In other words, they did not check to see if the billing address of the credit card was in the US. However, maybe they were unable to set the website up correctly. After all, they seem to have a lot of trouble with setting up websites.

Lawyer Obamacare Conflict of Interest

As a lawyer and professor of law, the author of the article on Obamacare referenced below has a conflict of interest. He and his fellow lawyers stand to make a lot less money under any Republican malpractice reform, which would make doctors cheaper at the expense of trial lawyers. Any trial lawyer would prefer Obamacare, with our Dear Leader changing "settled law" every day, creating more causes of action with every change. The author's whole reason for writing the article is to stop malpractice reform. The rest is just fluff to hide what he really wants. He really doesn't care if half the country loses their insurance as long as they want to sue some deep pocket insurance or health care company afterwards. That way he can skim off his third of the "pain and suffering" awards when he settles the cases. Citing the Congressional Budget Office as the authority on the benefits of malpractice reform is really funny. The CBO estimated Obamacare would save money.  LOL

Link to article:

Gun Control: Stand Still and be Fleeced

Gun control laws are really stand still and be fleeced laws. Violent crime is a progressive method of wealth redistribution. Since the end result is a progressive goal, the means are not a big concern. My favorite Chicago gun story was in the news over 30 years ago. A very large man was breaking into an occupied apartment with a crowbar. He heard a little old lady voice say, "Go away. I've got a gun!" He laughed and resumed his break in. The little old lady put 6 rounds of .38 cal through the door. The robber was killed. The gun was illegal, but the little old lady was not prosecuted. It amused me so much, I have remembered it all these years.