
A Call for Healing

A Call for Healing
Democrats Call for Healing the Country

Feb 16, 2014

Liberal Motives For Increased Minimum Wage

Increasing the minimum wage helps unions who negotiate their pay based on a percentage over the minimum wage. It also means that 2 unskilled workers become too expensive to compete with one skilled (union) worker. Finally, by eliminating most of the low wage chances to learn how to get and keep a job, it increases dependency on government and makes it cheaper and easier for Democrats to buy votes with taxpayer money. So Liberals sell it as a "living wage" when actually it suppresses employment, which is what they want. Progressives are now saying that Obamacare suppressing employment is a good thing. They finally came out of the closet on this. 

Reagan Tops Obama on Job Creation

Reagan's policies created 5.32 million jobs net in his 1st term. Our Dear Leader's policies created 1.2 million. Reagan restrained government spending, cut regulation, worked with the Federal Reserve to curb inflation, and cut tax rates across the board. The Smartest President Ever did the opposite in every respect. He increased government "stimulus" spending, increased regulation, worked with the Federal Reserve to have lots of "quantitative easing" to expand the money supply, and raised tax rates on the rich. In Reagan's second term, 10.78 million net new jobs were created. Reagan inherited a much more troubled economy that the Community Organizer in Chief, with 13.5% inflation and increasing unemployment. Based on the results, Reagan's policies worked, and those of The One We All Were Waiting For did not.

Feb 11, 2014

The One Is a Socialist, at Least in Healthcare

According to the dictionary, socialism is a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. Isn't that the definition of Obamacare with regard to health insurance? The One is a socialist, according to the definition.

Feb 9, 2014

Campaign Contribution Prosecution

Dinesh D'Souza is being prosecuted for campaign contribution violations for producing a documentary.  This is really a selective prosecution.  I seem to remember that the Obama campaign website was reputed to have removed the residency check for small contributions by credit card. In other words, they did not check to see if the billing address of the credit card was in the US. However, maybe they were unable to set the website up correctly. After all, they seem to have a lot of trouble with setting up websites.