
A Call for Healing

A Call for Healing
Democrats Call for Healing the Country

Oct 8, 2020

Historical Fact: Gerrymandering Invented by Democrats

 Elbridge Gerry (1744-1814) was a Democrat.  Gerrymandering was first used in Massachussets in 1812 by the Democratic-Republican Governor, Elbridge Gerry to keep the State Senate in his party's control even though Gerry himself lost the 1812 election for governor.  The Democratic-Republican party became the Democratic party.

Obviously, after the Democrats showed how effective gerrymandering is, Republicans began using the tactic too.

Since both sides have used gerrymandering for a very long time, it's unlikely that the system will change.

Democrats Keep the US Safe for Vote Fraud

 The Democrats are very keen to keep America safe for vote fraud of various kinds.  Democrats oppose voter ID requirements because they make voting early and often, Chicago style, harder.  Democrats support longer vote counting periods because it gives them more time to "find" uncounted ballots in car trunks, Minnesota style.  Democrat judges decide all cases based on what they would like the law to say, rather than what the law says, Pennsylvania style.  And people wonder why Republicans expect Democrats to cheat.  History!

Every voter in Chicago deserves to vote, dead or alive.  Clean voter rolls and voter ID requirements are voter suppression plots by Republicans who have trouble selling their programs to the dead.  Polls showing Hillary winning by 5 points should have made voting unnecessary.  Democrats can win with a stuffed animal running for president!  /sarcasm

Supreme Court Appointment: Elections Have Consequences

As President Obama famously said, elections have consequences.  Trump won in 2016 and is president.  The Republicans expanded their majority in the Senate in 2018.  Under the Constitution, the president nominates Justices to the Supreme Court when vacancies occur, and the Senate confirms them by majority vote.

Democrats complaining about Merrick Garland don't seem to have noticed that the Senate was Republican in 2016, and decided not to vote on his nomination.  Again, the 2014 Senate election had consequences.

As we've seen for the last 4 years, Democrats don't like elections to have consequences when they lose.  They expect deference because, in Democrats' minds, they should have won.  Democrats wishes not withstanding, elections always have consequences, whether Democrats like them or not.

Democrats seem to believe that Supreme Court seats are either the personal property of the justice who died, or an entitlement of the party who last filled the seat.  Neither is true.  

Only One Hour of Hate?

 MSNBC and CNN have outdone Orwell's 1984 in one major respect.  In 1984, there is a two minutes of hate program every day directed at Emmanuel Goldstein.  On MSNBC and CNN, there are almost 24 hours of hate directed at Donald Trump every day of the week.  In 1984, the two minutes of hate is used to justify the necessity of the dictatorship of Big Brother, because only with unlimited power can Big Brother protect us from Emmanuel Goldstein.  Similarly, only with unlimited power can Democrats "protect" us from Trump.

Years ago, everything was blamed on El Nino, a weather pattern in the Pacific Ocean.  Later on, everything was blamed on George W. Bush.  Now everything, including bad weather, is blamed on Trump.  MSNBC and CNN are playing their audiences for fools.