
A Call for Healing

A Call for Healing
Democrats Call for Healing the Country

Dec 6, 2020

My Wonder at the Party's Control Of US Information

It amazes me that the Party can control the flow of information so tightly without needing any regulatory structure to impose its narrative.  The Party can impose news blackouts, social media censorship and "fact checking" without lifting a finger.  This process of gradually imposing censorship, under the guise of private enterprise,  is boiling the frog nicely.  The end result is going to be a US without free speech and freedom of the press. 

Also, you can forget about defending yourself from "mostly peaceful protesters."  Violent mobs are a standard socialist intimidation technique.  Armed citizens can't be allowed to stop them, so the arms must be removed, by any means necessary.

Luckily , I just turned 70, so I won't have to live with the Party for all that long.  I feel really sorry for my children and grandchildren, especially because most of them are so ignorant of history that they have no idea what they voted for.  When I try to tell them, they think I'm crazy.

What's It Take To Be Indicted?

While we're talking about equal justice, let's not forget the Durham investigation of the 4 Carter Page FISA warrant applications.  Carter Page was a CIA asset, but the FBI took over a year to determine that, and then Clinesmith lied about it in the final FISA warrant application.  All of the people who signed off on the applications said they had exercised due diligence and believed that Carter Page was likely a Russian spy.  They all committed perjury at the very least.  None have been indicted.  Durham's investigation has vanished without a trace.

It would seem that Republicans, like Flynn, can be indicted and prosecuted for nothing, and Democrats, like Comey, McCabe, Brennan, Clapper, Stzrok and Lisa Page, can't be indicted for anything.  It would seem that Durham is too scared of the Swamp to do his job, now that Biden is back in town.  So much for the rule of law in the US. 

Some would argue that Flynn deserved to be indicted because he appeared on Russian TV, criticising Obama.  But was Flynn indicted for appearing on Russian TV?  Nope.  Flynn was indicted for lying to the FBI, something he didn't do.  It was entrapment.  The Russian TV history is immaterial to the legal case.  It just explains Obama's motive for framing Flynn for something Flynn didn't do.  Perhaps we need a new Bastille, so presidents who are leftists in good standing can send people who offend them to prison with a secret letter?

Oct 8, 2020

Supreme Court Ruling Stopped Elections From Having Consequences

 It's discouraging that once a Supreme Court rewrites a law for Congress, it's permanent.

Obamacare passed the Senate with a simple majority as a reconcilement bill, claiming it would save, rather than spend money.   After a Republican won a Massachusetts special election by campaigning against Obamacare, Democrats no longer had the votes to break a filibuster.

Roberts bent over backwards to make the penalties into taxes to make the bill Constitutional.  He did that because in 2012 it was clear that sending it back to Congress for a rewrite would mean the bill would be defeated.  Roberts' ruling prevented Congressional elections from having any consequences, and removed the consent of the governed from the bill.

Now Obamacare is the status quo, and it takes 60 Senate votes to get rid of it.  The suit asks the Supreme Court to do the right thing and send the bill back to Congress for a rewrite.  The WSJ EB says they won't, but the ruling will show the need for more originalist judges.

Historical Fact: Gerrymandering Invented by Democrats

 Elbridge Gerry (1744-1814) was a Democrat.  Gerrymandering was first used in Massachussets in 1812 by the Democratic-Republican Governor, Elbridge Gerry to keep the State Senate in his party's control even though Gerry himself lost the 1812 election for governor.  The Democratic-Republican party became the Democratic party.

Obviously, after the Democrats showed how effective gerrymandering is, Republicans began using the tactic too.

Since both sides have used gerrymandering for a very long time, it's unlikely that the system will change.