
A Call for Healing

A Call for Healing
Democrats Call for Healing the Country
Showing posts with label Democrats' Racist Behavior. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Democrats' Racist Behavior. Show all posts

Oct 5, 2014

Which Party is Racist?

The Pravda Press loves to call Republicans racist, based on some original sin Nixon committed in 1968 with his “Southern Strategy.”  I think the Democrats have a current history of racist results that they ignore in order to favor a special interest group.  The situation in predominately black inner city schools is horrifying. However the Democrats will fight any move towards vouchers, even to the point of Eric Holder’s Justice Department suing the state of Louisiana because too many black children are going to charter schools. Republicans want voucher programs so minority inner city children can be educated. Democrats want union public schools so union teachers will contribute to their campaigns and minority children will stay uneducated and dependent on the government. So who's racist?

If you think the quality of education in unionized inner city schools is worth what the teachers are paid, then you’re a deluded Democrat. I think that documentaries like "Waiting for Superman" show that so many inner city parents want alternatives for their children's education, they have to have a lottery to allocate the slots. If the public school education is not worth what union teachers are paid, what are they being paid for? It has to be political. There's no other possible reason.

Eric Holder sued the State of Louisiana to stop school choice because the high quality private schools had a higher percentage of minorities than the public schools. Why is choice great for abortions, but not allowed for education?

Sep 23, 2013

Racist History of Democrats

Democrats regularly pat themselves on the back for their liberal positions on race.  They then turn around and say all Republicans are racist.  This certainly forgets history. 

George Wallace and Lester Maddox were both Democrats.  In the 1950's and 60's, the Republicans were more Northern and progressive on race.  The Democrats were more Southern and much more segregationist than Republicans.  This alignment held from about 1855 to about 1968.  The Democrats bought black votes with the welfare part of the "Great Society" program.  They also successfully demonized Barry Goldwater in 1964.  Wikipedia says, "In 1964, Goldwater ran a conservative campaign that emphasized states' rights.  Goldwater's 1964 campaign was a magnet for conservatives since he opposed interference by the federal government in state affairs.  Although he had supported all previous federal civil rights legislation and had supported the original senate version of the bill, Goldwater made the decision to oppose the Civil Rights Act of 1964.  His stance was based on his view that the act was an intrusion of the federal government into the affairs of states and that the Act interfered with the rights of private persons to do or not do business with whomever they chose." So he had a radically Libertarian position on Federal government interference with states and individuals.  Democrats successfully portrayed his record as racist, and traded white Southern votes for black Northern ones.  I lived through this as a child and young man.  My family was all Republican, but we were unpopular in Montana because we paid Native Americans white wages.    It was Republican President Eisenhower who ordered the National Guard into Little Rock in 1957 to force desegregation on Central High School there.  While I'm not saying there was and is absolutely no racism in the Republican Party, Democrat descriptions of the comparative positions of the two parties are now, and have been since 1964, wildly exaggerated in order to force black voters away for the Republican Party which was their political home for over a century. 

Liberals also like to say that blacks were uniquely victimized by discrimination.  This is also both self- serving and false.  Chinese and Japanese immigrants were systematically excluded, were not eligible for citizenship and in some cases were forbidden to own or lease land.  See for example the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 or the California Alien Land Law of 1913.  For a general survey, Google "History of Us Immigration Law." Also, look into what happened to Japanese residents of the Continental US during World War II.  (Hint: They we "interned,") 

“Progressives” like to disown the old Democrat party by saying the historical Democrats were not progressive.  As a "Progressive" or "Liberal," you are of course always right.  Us ignorant Conservatives defer to your superior wisdom.  Of course, they just say that they were not "Progressive" so they're not your problem as a "Progressive Democrat." ("Liberal" is so passe.) The fact that they were Democrats doesn't count unless they were "Progressive." Since Progressives  can define any historical Democrat as not "Progressive," let's try someone who defines himself as "Progressive" currently.  Let’s consider Al Sharpton, who supported an anti Jewish riot in Crown Heights where the mob stabbed and killed Yankel Rosenbaum.  He has his own TV show on MSNBC and calls himself "Progressive." I guess he's not anybody's problem (except maybe Yankel Rosenbaum's friends and family) because his heart is pure? And he can't be an anti semitic bigot, can he, because he's black.

The fact that inner city blacks do not have the opportunities of suburban whites is whose problem exactly?  For example, the schools are unionized, so charter schools and vouchers are not allowed.   By definition, stop and frisk is racist, so crime is rampant.   Families are subsidized to break up, so they do.   People who create jobs are taxed out of the inner city.   And who supports all of these oppressive policies?  Liberal Democrats.   

Feb 12, 2013

Obama Delivers Unemployment for Blacks

Forget for a minute the current president’s skin color.  Consider his results as they apply to the minority community that the president got to vote for him in overwhelming numbers.  The spread between black and white unemployment rates has increased under the current administration, both for teenagers and generally.  Black unemployment for both sexes aged 16 to 19 is currently 37.8 percent (seasonally adjusted).  Black unemployment generally is currently 13.8 percent (seasonally adjusted).   The comparable figures for whites are 20.8 percent for teenagers and 7.0 percent generally.  In 2008 under George W. Bush, black unemployment for both sexes aged 16 to 19 was 31.2 percent.  Black unemployment generally was 10.1 percent.  The comparable figures for whites in 2008 were 16.8 percent for teenagers and 5.2 percent generally.  The difference between black and white teenagers is now 17 percentage points.  In 2008, it was 14.4 percentage points.  The difference between blacks and whites generally now is 6.8 percentage points.  Back in 2008 it was 4.9 percentage points. 

If the president was a white Republican, this record would be highlighted and denounced on front pages as an example of Republican racism.   If the president was a white Democrat, it would be regretted as a lack of progress, despite good intentions.  Since the president is black, nobody mentions it.  He is judged by the color of his skin, rather than the results of his policies.

Feb 6, 2013

Liberal Racism

Have you noticed that liberals seem to have a racist and sexist view of Republicans who are not white men?  Here’s the latest example:
In this case Ted Cruz is a Republican Senator who happens to be a Tea Party Hispanic. This contradicts the liberal “narrative” that all Republicans, especially Tea Party Republicans, are racist.  So he has to be attacked immediately and as with as much distortion and incendiary rhetoric as possible.  In this article, the uppity Republican Hispanic was “schooled” by a liberal white man over his questioning of Chuck Hagel, the president’s nominee for Secretary of Defense.  According to the article, Senator Cruz was “channeling the ghost of (Joe) McCarthy” when he asked Hagel about his previous public statements with regard to sanctions against Iran.  The author of the article concludes that “whenever Cruz sullies his status in the future -- which he is all but guaranteed to do -- this clip will, and should, be repeated.”  Can any of you liberals out there explain why this isn’t the vile racism Republicans are usually accused of? 
My next example is Tim Scott, the only black Senator right now who also happens to be a Tea Party Republican.  Here’s the link to an article that says, “Many liberals are unimpressed with Scott's historic appointment.”  The article’s headline says he’s a “token.”
Just to complete the set, here’s a liberal article, “The Shame that is Bobby Jindal,” about the Republican Governor of Louisiana who happens to be the son of immigrants from India.  Since liberals can’t stand any Republican who’s not white, they attack based on the fact that he doesn’t understand what minorities really want, at least as it’s understood by the white liberals of the Democratic party.
The article’s subtitle says, “Posing as the man to remake the GOP, he’s just a Southern Paul Ryan, balancing budgets at the expense of the needy.”
            Liberal racism for Republicans of color isn’t a recent development.  The Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings were a circus because he was a black Republican.  What was interesting was that Thomas was confirmed with no problems for the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia in 1990.  Once he was nominated for the Supreme Court in 1991 to fill Thurgood Marshal’s seat, Thomas was transformed into the devil incarnate.  Since this inconsistency was widely noted, liberals learned that they had to start vilification earlier in the process.  So when Miguel Estrada was nominated to the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, Democrats filibustered his nomination.
            Liberal sexism for Republican women is also rampant.  Who can forget Sarah Palin as “Caribou Barbie?”  Since liberals thought they had to work too hard to smear the Governor of Alaska, they accused Nikki Haley of infidelity before she was even elected Governor of South Carolina.