
A Call for Healing

A Call for Healing
Democrats Call for Healing the Country
Showing posts with label Entitlements. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Entitlements. Show all posts

Jun 21, 2015

The Left Sees Almost Everyone As Stupid

The left is absolutely certain that people in general are too ignorant and stupid to know what's good for them. As a result, the government needs to establish guidelines for taking care of the otherwise clueless populace. The irony of leftist certainty on this is that the left shows itself to be clueless and stupid when it takes one size fits all governmental action intended to take care of everybody. What happens is that the government action makes things worse. Obamacare is an example of how it all works. Once the government program fails, leftists want credit for their good intentions and a follow on program to fix the unintended consequences of their previous programs. The cycle repeats until the government impoverishes the people to the point that there are not enough resources to pay for the programs.

While this is a gross oversimplification, it's still essentially true that Rome fell because the people got used to the government handling everything for them instead of doing things for themselves. Bread and circuses both bankrupt the government and corrupt the people. In the meantime, patronage and handouts buy votes. This cycle needs to be broken in 2016 or we are going to live through the bloody failure of Pax Americana.  

Jul 29, 2013

Cut My Entitlements, Please!

Liberals always assume people don’t want their own entitlements cut.  I’m here to say I want my entitlements cut.  I'll be 63 this November. It would be OK with me if my retirement age was raised immediately to 67 from 66 for Social Security and 65 for Medicare. It would be fine if the retirement age was indexed for life expectancy. In addition, if benefits were adjusted for changes in Social Security tax receipts instead of inflation, that would be OK too. Further, as a Viet Nam era vet, it would be OK if my VA medical benefits were cut. Just so you know, I refuse to join AARP because I think their politics, their position that senior's entitlements can't be cut, will lead to federal government bankruptcy. Federal government bankruptcy will lead to chaos and death that will make folks wish they hadn't believed reactionary liberal promises such as "if you like your insurance, you can keep it." The Fall of Rome was at least partially due to the financial exhaustion caused by too much bread and circuses, now known as "entitlements." Rome's demise lead to several hundred years of Dark Age destruction and death in Western Europe. Life was brutish and very short. Why would we want to repeat the experience?