
A Call for Healing

A Call for Healing
Democrats Call for Healing the Country
Showing posts with label Environmental Regulation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Environmental Regulation. Show all posts

Feb 8, 2014

Warren Buffet, Rent Seeker

Warren Buffet needs corporate welfare because he's a big Democrat fund raiser. His railroad competes with the Keystone Pipeline, so he's an environmentalist. He got rich buying businesses at estate tax sales, so he thinks the death tax is only fair. Isn't it time for Conservatives to start to question Liberal motives? They say we start wars to make money. Why can't we say, early and often, that they use any excuse to increase government power and then sell regulatory relief for campaign contributions? Given how even low information voters feel about the government, I think this would be an easy sell.

Oct 10, 2013

Renewable Energy and the Poor

Green Democrats are always demanding that we break our fossil fuel habit.  They are firm in their belief that the US can never be energy independent.  I guess the huge increase in natural gas and oil output from fracking is irrelevant here. The greens don't like it and will punish the people who are doing the fracking. Among other things, they will not get an Obamacare waiver. I do think that Canada is a wee bit more friendly than for example Venezuela. I also think oil delivered by pipeline is a lot less likely to spill than oil delivered by ship. Remember the Exon Valdez! But rich liberals only talk a good game about poor people. The Democrats are the party of the poor, so naturally they want more poor people. The best way to get more poor people is to raise energy prices. So forget about oil.

May 5, 2013

Liberals Want Return to Middle Ages

Liberalism wants to return to those thrilling days of yesteryear, the Middle Ages.  Of course, as the wisest people around, liberals get to be the lords of the manor and the rest of us get to be serfs.  We need to serve the liberal leviathan state with ever increasing taxes.  Regulation serves as the forced labor serfs owe their betters, forcing uncompensated expense on serfs to benefit the liberal state.  And the liberal aristocracy has to look out for their poor serfs, who wouldn't know how to take care of themselves without guidance from their lords and masters.  The liberals and their allies in the guilds, aka unions, will decide what prices are fair.  The serfs can use pre-industrial energy technology in order to keep the environment clean for their liberal overlords.   

Taking the analogy further, environmental regulation is a modern version of the medieval forest laws of England. Serfs were not allowed to hunt game or take wood in the forest or clear the land to cultivate it or graze domestic animals in it. The forest was reserved strictly for the king and the nobles he allowed to use it. It was considered part of the Norman Yoke imposed on the people after 1066. Penalties for forest law violations were severe. For example, poachers either had their hands cut off or were blinded. Today, liberals just confiscate your land or imprison you for environmental violations.

Read the book.  It's called the "Road to Serfdom," by F. A. Hayek.

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