Marco Rubio was
quoted in National Review Online saying the Senate immigration bill is only 840
pages. There is no way I want the government to be able to hide its arbitrary
actions behind a screen of 840 pages of poorly and hastily drafted law, exceptions
and regulatory guidelines. The bill gives the Executive branch the
ability to waive many of the key provisions of the law, according to another
National Review article. Worse, the bill says that these waivers are “unreviewable discretion.” Remember
our current president already thinks he can pick which laws he enforces and
which laws he can ignore. The House should reject this mess and pass a
simple bill. It should greatly expand H1B Visas and create a guest worker
program. People should be able to qualify for either, whether they are in
the US
or outside. If they qualify, then their immediate family should get
residency permits. Shirt tail kin should not be allowed to piggy back on
this status. Extended stays on public assistance should be prohibited.
The bill should be 50 pages tops. The Democrats should have to
explain to Hispanics and Asians why the Senate won't vote on it because unions don't like it. Conservatives would be able to show that we are pro
immigration as long as it's legal. The "Comprehensive Solution"
on any issue is always a mirage. Liberals promise such a solution for two
reasons. If they get it passed, government gets bigger and more complex.
If they fail to get it passed, Liberals can blame conservative
obstruction for the failure to achieve the mirage.
Rubio quote:
Ability to Waive