I want to privatize US air traffic
control. That would be truly less government. The Canadians have
privatized air traffic control. You know how liberals love to talk about
how Canada
does things. The air traffic control fiasco is just another example of
total managerial incompetence in government. This incompetence is a
direct result of the incentives that face government employees who make
managerial decisions. The bigger the
government, the more secure your job is.
When faced with cuts, the government typically cuts the most visible
services in order to get their budget restored.
This strategy is so common it has its own Wikipedia entry. However, the FAA has a long history of such managerial
incompetence. In a recent example, the FAA did not managed to modernize US air traffic
control, while wasting billions of dollars trying. Government employees
want to maximize their budget, so cost overruns are good for them. This
administration's political reaction to budget cuts should make everyone think
twice about allowing big government to run anything economically important,
especially air traffic control.
Description of Canadian Air
Traffic Control
Article on FAA History of Waste
Cuts Politically Motivated
Wikipedia Entry for Washington Monument Syndrome