
A Call for Healing

A Call for Healing
Democrats Call for Healing the Country

Feb 8, 2014

Media Bias Prevents Republican Use of IRS Weapon

Actually, the double standard of the Pravda Press means that Republicans can't use the IRS to target opponents.  Nixon did it, along with the Watergate cover up.  It was a strong second reason Nixon was driven from office.  When a Democrat uses the IRS to harass opponents and then stonewalls a Congressional investigation, the Pravda Press doesn't think the story is worth covering.  End result is the Democrats can get away with it, as they are doing right now, and the Republicans can't.

Pravda Press Predictable Lies

This article is a prime example of the Pravda Press in action.  Every possible Republican is fatally flawed.  Any possible Democrat is an interesting possibility with lots of advantages.  Is the author reporting this article as an in-kind contribution to the Democratic Party?  Clinton left people she was responsible for protecting unprotected, unsupported and ultimately dead.  Nobody was fired, reprimanded or even scolded publicly for this criminal negligence.  Clinton says at this point what happened doesn't matter, and the Pravda Press accuses Republicans of Benghazi Syndrome for pursuing an investigation.  Chris Christie's aides cause a traffic jam and the administration loudly starts a criminal investigation.  The Pravda Press piles on with all sorts of unsubstantiated charges and then concludes Christie is too damaged to run for president.  When Democrats fail to patch Chicago potholes in neighborhoods that "voted wrong," everybody laughs about it.  The Democratic Party passes Obamacare using fraudulent promises, brings up a website that doesn't work and fails to build a back end to pass enrollment information accurately to insurance companies, and the Pravda Press says Obamacare is working well.  After 5 years of the Smartest President Ever, the unemployment rate is falling only because people have given up trying to look for work.  This is OK by the Pravda Press, because Bush did it.  At this point, reading the Pravda Press is mainly good for laughs at how far they will go to support "the narrative" of the left.  At this point, the facts don't seem to matter.

Liberal Smugness Unwaranted

I love the author's smugness in this article.  Liberal policies, both foreign and domestic, have resulted in multiple "man-made disasters."  Obamacare probably canceled more insurance than it granted.  Liberals proved they can't set up a web site.  The Libyan intervention went so well that 4 Americans were killed in Benghazi, but at this point what does it matter?  There has been no global warming in the last 15 years and a group of scientists studying global warming in Antarctica had their boat trapped in ice and had to be evacuated by helicopter.  We spent over a trillion bucks in "stimulus," but all it purchased was enough votes to reelect our Community Organizer in Chief.  Our unemployment rate is falling only because so many job seekers have given up.  Our red line on poison gas in Syria was erased after it was crossed.  We are negotiating with the Iranian mullahs, but we have scared other Middle Eastern countries so much that the Saudis and Israelis are becoming chummy in self defense.  If the Iranians get the bomb, and it's clear that the Smartest President Ever is not going to stop them, then we have a high risk of nuclear, or at least general war between the Israelis, Saudis, Kurds and Gulf States on one side, and the Iranians, Syrian Alawites and Hezbollah on the other.   We bugged out of Iraq so fast that now Al Qaeda is in control of Fallujah again.  We are set to bug out of Afghanistan and leave Al Qaeda and it's affiliates in charge there too.  So while liberals move from disaster to disaster with enthusiasm, the only problem worth talking about is aging red necks in the Republican Party who rightly think the government is too big, too broke and begging for more terrorism from jihadists.  It would seem that red necks like me are too ignorant to appreciate the glories of the One We All Were Waiting For.  By the way, why is the Tea Party racist by definition while Al Sharpton, who actually cheered on a race riot, is not?

Tea Party Weakening Due to IRS Harassment

If the Tea Party is weakening, perhaps it's because the IRS is harassing them? Worse, the IRS has just come out with even stricter regulation of educational foundations free speech rights, which seem tailor made to gut Tea Party groups. However, unions can continue to do as they please politically under the same law that the Tea Party groups operate. For the Pravda Press, the George Washington bridge scandal is the big news, and the IRS is not worth covering. I know for a fact that their priorities would be vastly different if the president was a Republican. I know this because when Nixon used the IRS to harass his enemies, it WAS front page news and described as an impeachable offense. I agree with the historical assessment of Nixon, but I wonder why it doesn't apply to the current occupant of the White House.