
A Call for Healing

A Call for Healing
Democrats Call for Healing the Country
Showing posts with label Media Bias. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Media Bias. Show all posts

Sep 20, 2015

An Explanation for Trump Coverage

Brace yourself for a complete change of tune in the Trump coverage. The Pravda Press slants everything in a way they think will benefit the Democrats. Right now they want to sow as much confusion as possible in the Republican primary. At the moment Trump gets a boost because the media, rightly or wrongly, see him as less threatening or more divisive than the other candidates near the top of the polls. It’s a bonus for them that Trump draws big audiences, but the Pravda Press would cut him dead if he really looks good to win the general election, audience or no audience.  If Trump begins to flame out, lame stream media will boost whoever they think is the next most divisive or least threatening candidate.  Once the Republican nomination is settled, then whoever it is, including Trump, will suddenly become the worst thing since VD. Since the general election "debates" are going to be everybody against the Republican, it's good practice for the front runner to have an everybody against him debate. Remember moderator Candy Crowley's assist for Barack Obama in the 2012 debate when Benghazi was the topic? She interrupted Mitt Romney to tell the audience that Obama had declared the Benghazi attack an act of terrorism. In fact, that was definitely not true. So don’t get lulled into a belief the Pravda Press has suddenly seen the light.  The reality is the Pravda Press operates based on its prevailing ideology, even to the point of bankruptcy. The reason FOX News is so roundly criticized is because they don't play the bias game almost everybody else does.

Jul 13, 2015

Why Liberals See Racism Everywhere

In the past year, the loud dominating liberal drum beat of racism charges has been a constant presence in domestic news coverage.  Any evidence to the contrary is ignored.  In 2014, South Carolina elected a Tea Party Republican to finish out the Senate term of Jim DeMint.  This doesn't sound too exciting until you look at Tim Scott's picture.  Mr. Scott is the first black Senator ever elected by South Carolina, the Cradle of the Confederacy.  The liberal press didn't think Mr. Scott's election was newsworthy, so they didn't cover it.  Liberals try to hold on to black votes by giving the impression that Jim Crow racism is alive and almost unchanged throughout the country.  Further, all of the racism they see is brought to you by lily white Republicans.  When an event, like Mr. Scott's election, does not fit this narrative, it's ignored.  

If black voters actually examined the record of what Democrats have done for them, or more accurately to them, black voters would not give 90% of their votes to Democrats.  The worst pockets of inner city minority poverty have almost without exception been under one party governments for generations.  The record of failure is quite clear.  Fear is needed to motivate minority voters stuck in these hell holes to keep voting for the failed policies that leave them with no hope.

This isn't to say that racism has been totally eliminated.  But saying that racism today is just as bad as it was in 1963 is ridiculous.  In 1963, Tim Scott couldn't even have registered to vote in South Carolina.  Now, he's US Senator Scott. 

Feb 23, 2015

Ranting About Rudy, A Double Standard

The liberal press game of gottcha is getting ridiculous for hypocrisy.  Both George W Bush and Scot Walker have been called Hitler. Democratic National Committee chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) confirmed in the link below that the Democratic campaign message for the midterms was Republicans are worse than Ebola and ISIS. Dick Cheney was accused of starting the Iraq war to make money for Halliburton. There are no limits when it comes to liberal Democrats attacking Republicans. The Pravda Press should not be allowed to enforce this blatant double standard. Nobody claimed these attacks on Republicans were unacceptable. Debbie Wasserman Schultz is at the front of the pack denouncing Giuliani's remarks. She should be slammed for being the hypocrite that she is.
Article I was reacting to:

Jan 17, 2015

Democrats' Problems Dealing With Reality

This article in Politico (see link below) shows how Democrats have a problem seeing and dealing with reality. Their policies are destroying the economy and endangering the country. Oil and gas prices have come down in spite of Democrats' efforts to stop drilling, stop pipelines and limit emissions in the name of saving the planet from global warming. Unfortunately, their climate models don't match their data with any statistical significance, so we get expensive energy and Al Gore makes millions off of his Mean Green agenda. The end results of Liberal policies can be found in Detroit, where their one party rule lead to a spiral of decay and finally bankruptcy. The reason Liberals see a war on women and pervasive racism is that they really have nothing else to offer. As Mark "Uterus" Udall found out in Colorado, the war on women doesn't work anymore. The facts of the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner refused to cooperate with the Liberal narrative. The evidence showed Brown was the aggressor. Brown tried to grab the officer's gun while the officer was inside his car and Brown was charging the officer on foot when the fatal shot was fired. The supervising police sergeant at Garner's arrest, a black woman, had to be edited out of the picture. The Garner arrest turned out to be a cigarette tax enforcement action, which got a lot of Conservatives to say that nobody should die for cigarette taxes and that big government requires intrusive tax enforcement. The election of Tim Scott, a Black Tea Party Republican, as Senator in South Carolina was not covered at all. The Liberal narrative says Republicans, the Tea Party and redneck whites in the South are all racist. Tim Scott couldn't possibly exist, so he had to be ignored. The President said Al Qaeda is on the run. So the Benghazi attack was a demonstration that turned into a riot, not an organized terrorist attack by an Al Qaeda affiliate. The Iraq War was over because the President said so. The administration then ignored ISIS until it got so big it overran over half of Iraq. This article reads like a pep talk by the coach of a 20 point underdog team before the big game. It ignores the insults and injuries Democrats have inflicted on angry white rednecks like me. Maybe they don't understand that why we are angry has a lot to do with what Democrats said and did to us.

Feb 9, 2014

Pravda Press Pattern of Republican Candidate Support

As the community organizer in chief is well aware, this "punish your enemies" behavior is expected of Chicago government. We've had a saying here for at least 50 years, "If you don't vote right, you don't get your streets fixed." The Washington Bridge closure is a national issue for the Pravda Press only because they have begun to worry that Governor Christie might have a chance against "Hillary The Inevitable." The media pattern is quite clear. First they build up a Republican "moderate" as a reasonable presidential hopeful. The buildup is designed to demonstrate the bipartisanship and objectivity of the Pravda Press. It also is intended to pull all Republicans leftward. When these "objective" reporters overdo the buildup, or start to believe their own propaganda, then they overcompensate and regretfully find that their former choice has fatal flaws. So they destroy their choice. The Pravda Press can repeat this as often as necessary in order to fill the time until the Democrats choose a nominee. Then they get busy straining at Republican gnats and swallowing Democratic camels. Once you've seen the pattern a few times, it's so predictable that it's funny. 

Feb 8, 2014

Media Bias Prevents Republican Use of IRS Weapon

Actually, the double standard of the Pravda Press means that Republicans can't use the IRS to target opponents.  Nixon did it, along with the Watergate cover up.  It was a strong second reason Nixon was driven from office.  When a Democrat uses the IRS to harass opponents and then stonewalls a Congressional investigation, the Pravda Press doesn't think the story is worth covering.  End result is the Democrats can get away with it, as they are doing right now, and the Republicans can't.

Pravda Press Predictable Lies

This article is a prime example of the Pravda Press in action.  Every possible Republican is fatally flawed.  Any possible Democrat is an interesting possibility with lots of advantages.  Is the author reporting this article as an in-kind contribution to the Democratic Party?  Clinton left people she was responsible for protecting unprotected, unsupported and ultimately dead.  Nobody was fired, reprimanded or even scolded publicly for this criminal negligence.  Clinton says at this point what happened doesn't matter, and the Pravda Press accuses Republicans of Benghazi Syndrome for pursuing an investigation.  Chris Christie's aides cause a traffic jam and the administration loudly starts a criminal investigation.  The Pravda Press piles on with all sorts of unsubstantiated charges and then concludes Christie is too damaged to run for president.  When Democrats fail to patch Chicago potholes in neighborhoods that "voted wrong," everybody laughs about it.  The Democratic Party passes Obamacare using fraudulent promises, brings up a website that doesn't work and fails to build a back end to pass enrollment information accurately to insurance companies, and the Pravda Press says Obamacare is working well.  After 5 years of the Smartest President Ever, the unemployment rate is falling only because people have given up trying to look for work.  This is OK by the Pravda Press, because Bush did it.  At this point, reading the Pravda Press is mainly good for laughs at how far they will go to support "the narrative" of the left.  At this point, the facts don't seem to matter.

Tea Party Weakening Due to IRS Harassment

If the Tea Party is weakening, perhaps it's because the IRS is harassing them? Worse, the IRS has just come out with even stricter regulation of educational foundations free speech rights, which seem tailor made to gut Tea Party groups. However, unions can continue to do as they please politically under the same law that the Tea Party groups operate. For the Pravda Press, the George Washington bridge scandal is the big news, and the IRS is not worth covering. I know for a fact that their priorities would be vastly different if the president was a Republican. I know this because when Nixon used the IRS to harass his enemies, it WAS front page news and described as an impeachable offense. I agree with the historical assessment of Nixon, but I wonder why it doesn't apply to the current occupant of the White House.

Sep 23, 2013

No Ignorance on the Left?

I guess that a corollary of no enemies on the left is, axiomatically, no ignorance on the left.   If George W. Bush "flubs it," it's evidence of his ignorance.  If "The One" flubs it, it's evidence of his absent mindedness.   The Dear Leader is, by definition, brilliant.  Republicans are, by definition, ignorant, stupid and often malevolent.  When BHO acts like a Stuart King of England, ruling by decree, it is by definition not comparable.  That the Constitution was framed with the behavior of Stuart Kings in mind, is ignored or unknown to Liberals (Progressives?).  This is convenient, because they can claim they are just trying to preserve the spirit of the Constitution by flouting the letter of it.  Liberals who want to buy a clue should Google "Charles I, of England" and look at the Wikipedia entry, particularly the "Personal Rule" section.  
Liberals may accuse me of borrowing vocabulary from George Will.  Sorry. I guess my conservative ignorance is so great that my Mathematics MS degree did not include axiomatic assumptions. Since I graduated in 1972, and had never heard of George Will at that time, I guess we can assume I read George Will for vocabulary words so that I can sound erudite while speaking to Liberals. Sorry, big word. I'll correct it to smart. Does that dumb it down enough for "liberal" education?