
A Call for Healing

A Call for Healing
Democrats Call for Healing the Country

Feb 9, 2014

Pravda Press Pattern of Republican Candidate Support

As the community organizer in chief is well aware, this "punish your enemies" behavior is expected of Chicago government. We've had a saying here for at least 50 years, "If you don't vote right, you don't get your streets fixed." The Washington Bridge closure is a national issue for the Pravda Press only because they have begun to worry that Governor Christie might have a chance against "Hillary The Inevitable." The media pattern is quite clear. First they build up a Republican "moderate" as a reasonable presidential hopeful. The buildup is designed to demonstrate the bipartisanship and objectivity of the Pravda Press. It also is intended to pull all Republicans leftward. When these "objective" reporters overdo the buildup, or start to believe their own propaganda, then they overcompensate and regretfully find that their former choice has fatal flaws. So they destroy their choice. The Pravda Press can repeat this as often as necessary in order to fill the time until the Democrats choose a nominee. Then they get busy straining at Republican gnats and swallowing Democratic camels. Once you've seen the pattern a few times, it's so predictable that it's funny. 

Nixon's Ghost is Envious of Obama's IRS

Nixon's ghost is green with envy. If Nixon had possessed the kind of total support in the Pravda Press that the Chicago Machine Hack in Chief does today, Nixon would have never had to resign. Watergate would have been found to be just a case of some guys taking a wrong turn in an office building.

Democrats Love to Lose Wars

The Democrats' attitude towards war is that it's a needless expense that drains money from domestic vote buying, I mean valid domestic needs. Part of the reason they can get away with this is that there were no "recriminations'" after the Vietnam defeat. Congressional Democrats cut off all of the money for supplying the South Vietnamese military while they were being attacked in 1975. This betrayal lead directly to the fall of Saigon and the infamous helicopter evacuation of the American Embassy there. While 500,000 Vietnamese fled the communists in leaky boats, and tens of thousands died in Vietnam and millions died in Cambodia, the left was proclaiming that there should be no recriminations. Now the Democrats are repeating their war losing strategy in Afghanistan and Iraq. The Political Hack in Chief bugged out of Iraq as quickly as possible. He is also on his way out of Afghanistan. Once defeat is assured, the Democrats can argue that defense spending is futile, because it doesn't win wars. This argument justifies cuts in military spending which can enable satisfying more domestic needs to buy more votes. The right should learn that there should be the maximum amount of recriminations possible from this scandalous behavior. Swift boating selected candidates is not enough retribution to stop this liberal/progressive/Democrat strategy. 

Feb 8, 2014

Vote Early, Vote Often With No ID

The debates on voter ID seem ridiculous to me.   As a long time observer of Chicago politics, it seems absurd for anyone to argue that vote fraud is not a problem. Here "Vote early, vote often" is a cliche.  Liberals often say requiring ID to vote is racist.  Are they trying to make the US safe for vote fraud? If not, are Liberals willing to have heavy federal supervision of inner city voting places where the fraud by political machines is often rampant? Just one example: Harold Washington was elected mayor of Chicago by a lot of Indiana voters who crossed state lines to register at friends' addresses.