
A Call for Healing

A Call for Healing
Democrats Call for Healing the Country

Aug 8, 2016

Trump's Rookie Mistake: Free Publicity Stops At Republican Nomination

Trump made the mistake of thinking that if the Pravda Press gave him a free ride in the primaries, the love would endure in the general election.  That's a stupid rookie mistake!  The mainstream media is completely in the tank for the Democrats.  Trump got buckets of free publicity in the primaries because the Pravda Press believed he was the weakest Republican candidate.  Now that Trump is the nominee, sliming Trump, by suppressing anything positive him or any sensible argument he makes, is the 24x7 job of the mainstream media.  Since this has been the pattern for years, why is anybody surprised?  McCain was great, until he was nominated.  Romney caused cancer.  Will Republicans learn they need advertising to counter this muck before Democrats outlaw political advertising?  Probably not, because a second President Clinton with a Democrat Senate Majority will pack the Supreme Court.  The Citizens United ruling goes away and Congress regulates who is a legitimate news corporation.

The Pravda Press has to filter Trump news to be 100% negative in the general election because their candidate, Hillary Clinton, is so massively unattractive.  Hillary has committed numerous felonies, lies almost every time she opens her mouth, has been taking bribes since her miraculous $100,000 commodities trade in 1979 (using a broker disciplined for parking trades), and has no actual accomplishments she can point to other than winning the genetic lottery by being female.  If your candidate looks terrible, you have to make their candidate look worse.

For readers who think I’m going overboard about Democrats censoring election coverage, please look at their record.  Senate Democrats actually proposed an amendment to the Constitution that would allow Congress to regulate free speech.  Here’s the most important part of the text: “Congress shall have power to regulate the raising and spending of money and in-kind equivalents with respect to Federal elections.”  This amendment, S. J. Res. 19, was introduced by Tom Udall on June 18, 2013.  All 43 Senate Democrats voted for it.  Here's a link to the text of the bill:

I’m not whining that the press is being unfair to Trump.  They are always unfair to every Republican nominee for president in a general election. What I am saying is that the people around Trump should have been raising money and preparing advertising to get their message out because it was obvious the free publicity was going to stop.  When the press covered everything he said, Trump got votes, although not my vote.  Now that the press can put words in Trump's mouth, and not cover what he actually says, he's transformed into a monster nobody would vote for.  

Liberal Glee Amid The Ruins of the Constitution

 Liberals are chortling about Hillary Clinton’s 9 point lead in the polls.  They think that US politics is a zero sum game.  If Conservatives are losing, the Liberals must be winning.  It’s almost like a grade school recess kind of taunting.  But I have a question.  Why does it make Liberals happy that we're on the road to a banana republic form of government? We have a Pravda Press that suppresses news that embarrasses the government, a judiciary branch that votes the party line, an executive branch that ignores election results because they alone know what actions will put them on the "right side of history" and a legislature that only functions to the extent that it ratifies what our maximum leader wants to do.  Will it make Liberals happier when red neck Republicans get treated as slowly as poor veterans at the VA because they voted wrong, just as soon as we  replace deeply flawed Obamacare with single payer medicine?  Fact is, everyone can lose.

No Encryption Destroyed Russia in 1917, Hillary's Cyber Insecurity Can Do the Same for Us

The reason the Russians lost World War I and had the chaos that lead to the Communist Revolution in 1917 is simple.  Their army didn't encrypt their radio messages.  Do we need a president who makes the same kind of mistakes in cyber space?  Aren't Clinton's security problems more important than Trump's style?

The Pravda Press is grading Trump like this campaign is a gymnastic event during the Cold War, and they are the Romanian judge.  OK, he gets a 2.1 for style and a 0 for substance.  The country still will survive 4 years of Trump.  Hillary Clinton had 30,000 emails on a server that everyone with an interest could have hacked. All of those emails potentially open her to blackmail by Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-Un or unemployed hackers in basements like Romanian taxi driver Guccifer.   We don't know what's in the deleted emails, so we won't know if they are real or forgeries if Wikileaks publishes them.   Clinton has a history of selling her office for donations laundered through the Clinton Foundation, and the emails could prove it.  Do we feel lucky?

Jul 14, 2016

Congress Is Powerless, It Gave All Its Power Away

We need a Constitutional Amendment to force Congress to approve every regulation on an up or down, limited debate, no amendments, recorded vote.  Since Congress avoids responsibility and the Executive Branch loves enacting laws without Congress, this Constitutional Amendment will have to come from a Constitutional Convention called by 2/3 of the states' legislatures.  The Constitution never envisioned regulatory agencies with executive, legislative and judicial functions.  The result is tyranny.  The argument that regulations need expertise does not mean that Congress can't be trusted to approve regulations proposed by the regulatory "experts."  It's their job in Congress to enact laws.  There are no exceptions.  The fact is the Democrats have been able to deadlock Congress on purpose and avoid having to negotiate deals with Congressional Republicans. That's why we now have a choice between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.  Congress has no power because it gave it all away.
Original Article:
Convention of the States: