
A Call for Healing

A Call for Healing
Democrats Call for Healing the Country
Showing posts with label Hillary Clinton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hillary Clinton. Show all posts

Aug 27, 2018

Weiner Laptop, Obstruction Of Justice in the DOJ

The DOJ is participating in a massive cover up for Hillary Clinton. The Weiner laptop is the smoking gun. Contrary to what Comey said, it was never fully investigated. The rule of law means that everybody is subject to the same laws. It doesn't mean one law for Republicans and a free pass for Democrats. Under Obama, the Justice Department became a partisan tool for protecting Democrats and prosecuting Republicans.  The Justice Department participated in a massive obstruction of justice to clear Hillary Clinton of crimes that include 100 felony counts of mishandling classified information and also lying to the FBI.  Anthony Weiner did not have a security clearance, but the FBI found classified material on his laptop. Why wasn't he indicted? Because he is a Democrat and Huma Abadin's husband. Huma is a close friend and aide of Hillary.  Here's a link on the Weiner laptop.
As Attorney General, Sessions has the standing to bring obstruction of justice charges against Clinton and all of her aides. Sessions could start with the people inside the Justice Department and the FBI who clearly didn't want to find anything when it came to Clinton's crimes, so they didn't seriously investigate any of them. These people are guilty of obstruction of justice, starting with Strzok, Ohr and McCabe and moving on up to Lynch and Comey. This probably requires a special prosecutor because it's clear the Justice Department itself is severely tainted.
There is no equality before the law.  If you are a politically connected Democrat, you can violate the law with impunity.  If you are connected to Trump, you get extra scrutiny.  If you are an ordinary person, one count of mishandling classified information sends you to jail.  I'm not saying that Manafort and Cohen are innocent, because they aren't.  I'm saying that Lois Lerner, John Koskinen, Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills, Samantha Power and Susan Rice are guilty, and they have been given a free pass, at least so far.
Tony Podesta was in the same business of lobbying for the same Ukrainian oligarch as Paul Manafort, but Podesta is a Democrat. The FBI raided Manafort's house with drawn guns in the middle of the night, like it was a meth lab. Podesta hasn't even been investigated.
If this lack of equality before the law continues, the rule of law in the US is over. The Justice Department becomes a bureaucratic struggle for power, not an agency for enforcement of the law. The US becomes a banana republic, not because of Trump, but because of Obama and the bureaucratic mess he left in the Justice Department.

Dec 17, 2016

Trump Has What It Takes To Succeed As President

Progressives say that a president needs intellectual curiosity, humility, character and the ability to lead.  Liberals say Obama has these qualities.  They go on to claim that Trump has none of these qualities, so according to them, Trump is unworthy and unqualified to be president.  I think Republican presidential candidates require different skills than Democrats to be successful.

Any Republican president has to be able to deal with an extremely hostile mainstream media. This ability is the main key to success for any Republican presidential nominee. The Republican primary electorate chose Trump over more qualified candidates because they knew that any Republican nominee would be slimed by the Pravda Press in its role as the public relations arm of the Democrat party. Trump's election victory demonstrated his ability to work around the Pravda Press and inform voters directly about the policies he wanted to implement. After the ruinous 2 terms of the Smartest President Ever, voters were willing to try something really outlandish to prevent a continuation of Barry the Brilliant's policies under Hillary the Inevitable. I was skeptical but desperate myself. So far, it's worked better than I expected.

As for liberals’ evaluation of Trump, I think their view uses polarized lenses. The current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue does not possess intellectual curiosity, humility, character or the ability to lead. The President has never wavered from pure socialist ideology and has shown no intellectual curiosity about anything that conflicts with his ideology. He considers himself better at everything than the experts he has chosen to advise him and has said so publicly. Mr. Obama's lack of character allows him to lie outrageously as in, "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor." Finally, as we have all seen, leading the world from behind has brought the world a lot more chaos, failed states and war than what was happening when Bush left office.

Oct 23, 2016

Against Clinton, Not For Trump

I'm not voting for Trump because I like Trump. I'm voting for Trump because I believe Hillary Clinton is unfit for any Constitutional office, particularly the presidency. We have survived sleazy presidents, like Bill Clinton or Warren Harding, in the past. I don't think we have ever had a president who was willing to sell out the country for a big enough bribe. Also, consider the completely misplaced loyalty Hillary commands. Hillary ordered her cyber security subordinates to ignore her substandard insecure home email server, and they complied. She ordered them to cover it up, and they complied. Now we have a situation where the Russians, Chinese, Iranians and several dozen independent hackers have copies of her 33,000 deleted emails, but voters don't. Hillary is hanging out a mile wide for blackmail by a foreign power. The Russian Army lost World War I because they did not encrypt their radio messages for the first 6 months of the war. Do we need a president so clueless on cyber security that she leaks like a sieve, setting the American military up for total defeat?

Oct 8, 2016

What's It Worth To Teach Trump to Respect Women?

It's worth whatever it takes to make sure that potty mouth Trump is taught to respect women. Hillary Clinton respects women (except for women who accuse her husband of rape) and she is going to show the world how well socialism works! Power to the (politically connected) people, right on! Hillary Clinton has a track record of working hard for people (who have donated to the Clinton Foundation). As the first woman president, Hillary Clinton can complete the (disastrous) domestic and foreign policy changes started by Barack Obama, the first black president. Clinton will convert our outstanding (unsustainable) Obamacare into single payer VA Care. The government will pay for all healthcare without any problems (for liberals who vote correctly). The government will make sure that coal is no longer used to generate electricity (no matter how many blackouts this causes). The government will regulate the US internet to preserve net neutrality (and large campaign contributions from internet providers), but give the international internet arrangements to the UN (to make sure that all internet screens condemn Israel, but allow local dictators to censor other content). College will be completely free to students (but not to taxpayers). Ultimately, socialism will deliver equality for all (by impoverishing everyone who doesn't work for the government).

Aug 8, 2016

No Encryption Destroyed Russia in 1917, Hillary's Cyber Insecurity Can Do the Same for Us

The reason the Russians lost World War I and had the chaos that lead to the Communist Revolution in 1917 is simple.  Their army didn't encrypt their radio messages.  Do we need a president who makes the same kind of mistakes in cyber space?  Aren't Clinton's security problems more important than Trump's style?

The Pravda Press is grading Trump like this campaign is a gymnastic event during the Cold War, and they are the Romanian judge.  OK, he gets a 2.1 for style and a 0 for substance.  The country still will survive 4 years of Trump.  Hillary Clinton had 30,000 emails on a server that everyone with an interest could have hacked. All of those emails potentially open her to blackmail by Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-Un or unemployed hackers in basements like Romanian taxi driver Guccifer.   We don't know what's in the deleted emails, so we won't know if they are real or forgeries if Wikileaks publishes them.   Clinton has a history of selling her office for donations laundered through the Clinton Foundation, and the emails could prove it.  Do we feel lucky?