
A Call for Healing

A Call for Healing
Democrats Call for Healing the Country
Showing posts with label Trump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trump. Show all posts

Oct 8, 2020

DACA Ruling: Orange Man Bad

Trump figured out that DACA, which Obama said was based on prosecutorial discretion, was illegal.  Three years later, the Supreme court ruled that even though Obama didn't use the Administrative Procedures Act to establish DACA, Trump must use the APA to abolish it, even though the Supreme Court acknowledges that DACA is illegal.  Trump doesn't seem to have the same prosecutorial discretion that Obama had.  It seems that some presidents are more equal than others.

So simply determining that you want to change environmental rules doesn't mean it's easy to design a change in regulations that will survive judicial review.  The Supreme Court has determined there is a penumbra is the Constitution, which only they can see.  It can be summarized for the layman as "Orange man bad."

Jan 21, 2018

King Barack or King Donald

The left likes to accuse Trump of aspiring to be king.  I just don't see it.  Trump has moved to give up executive authority, not extend it.  However, Barry the Brilliant not only thought he could be king, he acted like he was king by divine right, aka "the fierce urgency of now." Trump is just forcing Congress to do its job to change immigration law according to the Constitution. The left hates checks and balances, and thinks judges should rule based on what they want the law to be, rather than what the law is. The left also thinks good manners are more important than good policy or the faithful execution of the law. The left has a theoretically brilliant program that's never worked in the real world. So the left lies constantly, because the truth would screw them. Example: "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, period."

The left is projecting what they would do on Trump.  But Trump is too lazy to want to run everything.  He's much happier restoring Constitutional government where the president has limited powers, and more free time.

Jul 22, 2017

Counter Fake Russian Contact Crimes With Prosecution of Real Crimes

I don't understand why the DOJ is not prosecuting Obama Administration minions for their crimes. We used to have the rule of law in the US. If you broke the law you faced prosecution.

If I were Trump or Sessions, I would have grand juries investigating Huma Abedin, Samantha Powers and Susan Rice for mishandling classified materials. Hillary's email server had essentially no cyber security and over 100 pieces of classified information on it. That's 100 felony counts on the public record. I also would have grand juries investigating John Koskinen and Lois Lerner for obstruction of justice at the IRS. The leading cause of PC hard drive crashes is not subpoenas anywhere besides the IRS. There are obviously other people, like the guy who deleted 30,000 pieces of email while they were under Congressional subpoena, that need to be investigated. All of these prosecutions can be handled by main Justice career prosecutors. I don't understand why this isn't happening. These folks actually WERE criminals.

Face the fact that progressives are like the Red Queen in Alice in Wonderland, sentence first, trial afterwards. There's nothing to be gained by going easy on the previous administration. We lose every news cycle that fake crimes of meeting Russians are on the air instead of the real crimes of abuse of power in the Obama Administration.

I know Obama and the Clintons are untouchable Liberal Saints. There will be a lot of flack if we start prosecuting their minions. To solve that problem, give Barry the Brilliant and Michelle the Magnificent blanket pardons for all offenses during Obama's 2 terms. Offer Hill and Bill immunity from prosecution in return for testimony against their lackeys. We don't need to convict any of them. If we have a high enough number of minion indictments and convictions, their legacies and political influence will be reduced to ashes.

If Sessions is indicting Democrats, it's bound to improve Trump's mood. Right now he's getting pummelled and not hitting back at all. Trump is media savvy enough to know he' losing. His people who quantitatively analyse social media are probably telling him he's losing, which is why he's so angry. Indicting Democrats will change the subject.

In military strategy, you concentrate your strength against your opponent's weakness. Our strength is the rule of law. Democrats' weakness is lots of minions guilty of real crimes. Let's convict those minions for their real crimes . It's time to remove leftist impunity before the next Democrat Administration starts to take advantage of it.

Jul 5, 2017

Trump Tracks Popularity on Social Media

Trump's campaign used social media to decide where Trump should schedule appearances during the last months of the campaign.  Jared Kushner, Trump's son-in-law, set up a top secret quantitative analysis unit to help the campaign.  They analyzed tweets and comments by location to see where Trump had the best chance to win states.  Then they calculated the best electoral college payoff for each appearance.  Trump didn't win by accident.  Trump won by analyzing internet traffic.     
I think that Trump's people are still doing it.  I think they know better than the polls how they're doing, because they have a lot more data.  They know exactly how well Trump's tweets are playing in Peoria.  While the obsolete mainstream media use obsolete polling techniques to justify their fake news jihad against Trump, Trump knows how the whole thing is actually playing in the country from analyzing social media.  Trump is making adjustments based on the data.  Trump still has impulse control issues and anger management problems, but he controls himself once he sees how it's playing.   Trump is playing the Pravda Press for fools.  

Exclusive Interview: How Jared Kushner Won Trump The White House

Feb 3, 2017

War Crime: Islamic Terrorists Used Human Shields in Yemen

War is hell because you have to make horrible, lose or lose worse decisions.  Trump took a chance and AQAP set up the combat so civilian shields died, including a very pretty 8 year old girl.

Under Obama we waited a year to start bombing ISIS oil trucks because they had civilian drivers. We didn't bomb ISIS vehicle bomb factories, because they were in civilian neighborhoods. ISIS used the time to make an extra $600 million at least. They also killed at least 50,000 additional people. For a year, ISIS had a sex slave market in Raqaa, Syria, where they sold captured Yazidi and Christian women in auctions. For a year, ISIS beheaded defenseless civilians for minor infractions of Sharia law. For a year, ISIS used armored vehicle suicide bombs to expand their territory. All because we didn't want to kill the civilians who were helping ISIS or were being used as human shields by ISIS.  The result of our decision not to kill human shields was the we gave ISIS more time to kill more people on the ground than the human shields we would have killed stopping them earlier.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) is one of the most deadly Islamic terrorist organizations in the world. Under President Obama, the US used drone strikes to kill targets like the one Trump ordered attacked by SEAL Team 6. With a drone strike there is no opportunity to capture computers and memory sticks that yield intelligence information on AQAP's operations. Trump took a chance. The operational security for this operation was poor. AQAP knew we were coming. They were ready for us. I believe AQAP had the 8 year old girl there on purpose, to be killed and give them a propaganda victory. I believe they had a lot of women with guns there also intentionally. Using civilians as human shields is a war crime. Using bombs and strafing to destroy a building used by an enemy as a firing position is not, even if the destruction of the building results in civilian casualties. The people responsible for the civilian casualties are the members of AQAP who located a military firing position in the middle of a civilian neighborhood with no evacuation of the civilians and positioned civilians inside the firing position. AQAP committed a war crime that lead to the death of the 8 year old girl.

Dec 17, 2016

Trump Has What It Takes To Succeed As President

Progressives say that a president needs intellectual curiosity, humility, character and the ability to lead.  Liberals say Obama has these qualities.  They go on to claim that Trump has none of these qualities, so according to them, Trump is unworthy and unqualified to be president.  I think Republican presidential candidates require different skills than Democrats to be successful.

Any Republican president has to be able to deal with an extremely hostile mainstream media. This ability is the main key to success for any Republican presidential nominee. The Republican primary electorate chose Trump over more qualified candidates because they knew that any Republican nominee would be slimed by the Pravda Press in its role as the public relations arm of the Democrat party. Trump's election victory demonstrated his ability to work around the Pravda Press and inform voters directly about the policies he wanted to implement. After the ruinous 2 terms of the Smartest President Ever, voters were willing to try something really outlandish to prevent a continuation of Barry the Brilliant's policies under Hillary the Inevitable. I was skeptical but desperate myself. So far, it's worked better than I expected.

As for liberals’ evaluation of Trump, I think their view uses polarized lenses. The current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue does not possess intellectual curiosity, humility, character or the ability to lead. The President has never wavered from pure socialist ideology and has shown no intellectual curiosity about anything that conflicts with his ideology. He considers himself better at everything than the experts he has chosen to advise him and has said so publicly. Mr. Obama's lack of character allows him to lie outrageously as in, "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor." Finally, as we have all seen, leading the world from behind has brought the world a lot more chaos, failed states and war than what was happening when Bush left office.

Oct 23, 2016

Against Clinton, Not For Trump

I'm not voting for Trump because I like Trump. I'm voting for Trump because I believe Hillary Clinton is unfit for any Constitutional office, particularly the presidency. We have survived sleazy presidents, like Bill Clinton or Warren Harding, in the past. I don't think we have ever had a president who was willing to sell out the country for a big enough bribe. Also, consider the completely misplaced loyalty Hillary commands. Hillary ordered her cyber security subordinates to ignore her substandard insecure home email server, and they complied. She ordered them to cover it up, and they complied. Now we have a situation where the Russians, Chinese, Iranians and several dozen independent hackers have copies of her 33,000 deleted emails, but voters don't. Hillary is hanging out a mile wide for blackmail by a foreign power. The Russian Army lost World War I because they did not encrypt their radio messages for the first 6 months of the war. Do we need a president so clueless on cyber security that she leaks like a sieve, setting the American military up for total defeat?