
A Call for Healing

A Call for Healing
Democrats Call for Healing the Country

Jul 10, 2014

Inflation Picks Up

Food prices are soaring.  This is classic inflation fueled in the classic manner. We've had how many bouts of "Quantitative Easing" from the Federal Reserve? I've lost count. "Quantitative Easing" is government's way of saying they are electronically printing money in order to bail out the banks. We have managed to duplicate the conditions that lead to stagflation under Jimmy Carter. We have vastly increased government regulation, raised tax rates for "the rich" and created lots of loose money chasing too few goods. We have the expected result: stagnant growth and growing inflation. Excluding food and energy from inflation measures is the Federal Reserve's way of cooking the books. Ordinary folks are noticing that inflation is rampant in food and energy, so they are not fooled. As Milton Freedman said, "Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon." In other words, the Fed electronically printing gobs of money caused the inflation we're seeing now. 

Middle East Mess Caused by Global Warming and George W. Bush

On further review, I find that the mess in the Middle East was caused by a combination of global warming and George W. Bush. Our Dear Leader was at a fund raiser and playing golf when the mess happened, so he had nothing to do with it. As a matter of fact, the first he heard of it was when he read about it in the newspapers. The White House TV system had crashed at the time and email wasn't working either, so the Smartest President Ever had Valerie Jarrett read the story to him from hard copy. The Chicago Machine Prodigy said he was outraged and that the situation was unacceptable. No one could have predicted the ISIS attacks in Iraq because they started as a small demonstration in reaction to an internet video, according to Susan Rice. The President said that if Iraqis liked their country, they could keep their country, period. 

Hobby Lobby Returns Us to 2010, Not 1965

I think the Contraception Mandate was designed to cause the current Supreme Court ruling against it. They really didn't expect to get away with it, they just wanted a ruling to complain about. Liberal hysteria will be effective only if it's left unanswered. Conservative ads have to point out that the morning after pill costs 50 bucks. Regular daily contraception pills can be purchased for $9 a month. We are not talking big money here. The other thing we have to drive home is that we have gone back to the law as it was in GASP! 2010. We are not going back to 1965 or 1970. Contraceptives can still be purchased at your corner pharmacy, even in Connecticut. We are not back to abortions with coat hangers unless you're going to Kermit Gosnell's clinic. Griswold v Connecticut and Roe v Wade are still the law. This hysteria is as big a con game as "If you like your plan..." Conservative ads out to say so, maybe ending with the tag line, "Do you really trust the folks who told you that you could keep your plan under Obamacare to tell the truth about birth control?"

Liberals: Control Your Personal Carbon Emissions!

Unfortunately, the Prevaricator in Chief and his buddies in the Pravda Press are not interested in helping the world avoid Jihadist chaos. There has been no global warming for 17 years, but global warming true believers don't want to be bothered with the facts. Their minds are already made up. It seems that our Dear Leader thinks the theoretical possibility of global warming is much more dangerous than the actual risks of terrorist attacks, or worse, Iran with nukes. I think the place for global warming true believers to start controlling carbon dioxide emissions is with their personal exhalations of CO2. They should try to hold their breath for as long as possible. Liberals need to remember, "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem." 
Link for global warming: