
A Call for Healing

A Call for Healing
Democrats Call for Healing the Country

Feb 7, 2013

Borrowing 40 Cents on the Dollar

How can you liberals ignore that 40 cents of every dollar Uncle Sam spends is borrowed?  Do you liberals really believe that you can raise taxes that much on just "the rich?"  The fiscal cliff negotiations were all tax increases, combined with some small spending INCREASES.  That’s right, a balanced approach of all taxes and no cuts.  We conservatives are done with tax increases.  Pass a bill in the Senate with cuts equivalent to the sequester cuts and we’ll carefully consider it.    I'm not big on personal attacks, but liberals seem stubbornly math challenged.  When any government's debt gets too big to pay, the only way to pay it is hyper inflation.
       The Federal Reserve has been buying 70% of Uncle Sam's debt.  They just raised their official inflation target.  Congressional liberals and our liberal president object to ANY spending cuts.  Do you seriously think this can go on forever with no consequences?  How much money can the Fed create before there's a serious problem?  I guess liberals want to do the experiment.  With regard to the relationship of unemployment and inflation, google the Phillips Curve, and cure your ignorance.  Liberals are Debt Deniers.  Every percentage point that the interest rates do go up will cost us about 160 billion dollars per year. Governments that run up this kind of debt, generally use inflation to pay it off in cheaper dollars.  See for example, the Weimar Republic in post WW1 Germany, where it famously took a wheelbarrow full of money to buy a loaf of bread.  I am not sure how you think we can continue Social Security and Medicare when our economy is trashed by hyper inflation and financial disaster.  You seem to think there is no limit to how much money we can print.  Money has value only when it's scarce.  If you print unlimited quantities, it's not scarce.  If the money is worthless, all the compassion in the world is not going to help seniors, including me.
      For me, the optimal inflation rate is zero.  When I was a kid, in the 50’s and 60’s, gold was 35 dollars an ounce and a good sized candy bar was a nickel.  Now, with the Federal Reserve having pursued the “optimal inflation rate” all these years, gold is 1,678 dollars an ounce and a candy bar costs at least $1.25.  Both parties are to blame for that.  However, there is no need to continue looking for an optimal inflation rate.
As far as Republicans not letting Obama have everything he wants, I can only quote a much beloved president: "Elections have consequences."  This is true in Congress every bit as much as it is for the president.

Why No Help for Benghazi Conulate?

        Here are a couple of timelines published about the Benghazi attack: ,  For sure, the drone saw most of the attack on the CIA Annex because it happened after the drone got there.  There also was footage from the consulate before the security cameras got knocked out, which the Embassy in Tripoli should have been monitoring.  Do you really believe that there was no communication between Clinton and Benghazi for 6 hours during an attack?  No satellite phones, no secure intranet connection, no communication of any kind?  If you do, why was the communication setup so poorly done, and who was responsible for that?  If you don't, Obama and Clinton did very little.  They sent an unarmed drone.  As far as the risks of using military force, I would have hoped that we learned enough from other terrorist attacks that we scramble whatever we've got to support our people.  We may not be able to use them, but at least we would have the option.  There should have been fighter bombers overhead, ready to give support within "hours" of the initial attack.  It wasn't like the date was picked at random.  It was September 11.  If the Administration did not order any military help, then why not?  If they didn’t have any ready, then why not?  BS about asking permission from the Libyan government as if they had any control over more than a small part of their country is a transparent dodge.  They certainly didn't control Benghazi then, and from published reports still don't.
        One final question:  Given the Algerian natural gas facility terror attack by Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, and the significant 9/11 date of the Benghazi attack, can a rational person still maintain that it was just some guys who decided to kill some Americans on the spur of the moment?

Liberal Collective Action

Collective action, as defined by liberals, seems to mean government action.  Positive freedoms for some mean negative consequences for others, with the government deciding who gets assigned to which group.  Giving the government this kind of power subverts the limited government vision of the founders.  It replaces God given rights with government given rights.  Consent of the governed becomes compulsion by the government.  In Chicago, we used to have a saying, "If you don't vote right, you don't get your streets fixed."   Under Obamacare, we’ll get to test whether not voting right means you don’t get your health fixed. Remember, Chicago style is to reward your friends and punish your enemies.  Since the president’s style is pure Chicago, I expect to see my healthcare deteriorate.  I confess.  I didn’t vote right.

Feb 6, 2013

Liberal Racism

Have you noticed that liberals seem to have a racist and sexist view of Republicans who are not white men?  Here’s the latest example:
In this case Ted Cruz is a Republican Senator who happens to be a Tea Party Hispanic. This contradicts the liberal “narrative” that all Republicans, especially Tea Party Republicans, are racist.  So he has to be attacked immediately and as with as much distortion and incendiary rhetoric as possible.  In this article, the uppity Republican Hispanic was “schooled” by a liberal white man over his questioning of Chuck Hagel, the president’s nominee for Secretary of Defense.  According to the article, Senator Cruz was “channeling the ghost of (Joe) McCarthy” when he asked Hagel about his previous public statements with regard to sanctions against Iran.  The author of the article concludes that “whenever Cruz sullies his status in the future -- which he is all but guaranteed to do -- this clip will, and should, be repeated.”  Can any of you liberals out there explain why this isn’t the vile racism Republicans are usually accused of? 
My next example is Tim Scott, the only black Senator right now who also happens to be a Tea Party Republican.  Here’s the link to an article that says, “Many liberals are unimpressed with Scott's historic appointment.”  The article’s headline says he’s a “token.”
Just to complete the set, here’s a liberal article, “The Shame that is Bobby Jindal,” about the Republican Governor of Louisiana who happens to be the son of immigrants from India.  Since liberals can’t stand any Republican who’s not white, they attack based on the fact that he doesn’t understand what minorities really want, at least as it’s understood by the white liberals of the Democratic party.
The article’s subtitle says, “Posing as the man to remake the GOP, he’s just a Southern Paul Ryan, balancing budgets at the expense of the needy.”
            Liberal racism for Republicans of color isn’t a recent development.  The Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings were a circus because he was a black Republican.  What was interesting was that Thomas was confirmed with no problems for the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia in 1990.  Once he was nominated for the Supreme Court in 1991 to fill Thurgood Marshal’s seat, Thomas was transformed into the devil incarnate.  Since this inconsistency was widely noted, liberals learned that they had to start vilification earlier in the process.  So when Miguel Estrada was nominated to the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, Democrats filibustered his nomination.
            Liberal sexism for Republican women is also rampant.  Who can forget Sarah Palin as “Caribou Barbie?”  Since liberals thought they had to work too hard to smear the Governor of Alaska, they accused Nikki Haley of infidelity before she was even elected Governor of South Carolina.